I have these 4 vending machine stickers from my childhood. I’ve been trying to do some research on them without good success. There seems to be lots of counterfeits out there and well, I’m not sure what I have. It would be cool to know the values of them if they are anything.
Thanks you in advance!
As fake as they are, the colours on the holo look cool.
@eyesofmadara, Ah, that’s too bad! Thanks for your guy’s expertise on this.
@greenshoots, I think they are pretty neat too! Perhaps I’ll put them up for auction for anyone who would like them in their collection just for the coolness of it.
Much appreciated gentlemen!
Just to clarify, the “Pocket Monsters Anime Collection” is a legitimate Carddass set, it’s just that the stickers you have aren’t authentic. (The actual set is quite beautiful.)
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As mentioned above it is a legitimate set but unfortunately all 4 of the cards you have are counterfeit.
The #5 card shouldn’t be holofoil and the #126 card’s holofoil shouldn’t extend into the border (you can see the holofoil pattern on the Poké Ball in your image). Here is what both of those should look like:
Likewise this is what the 35 and EX-5 cards should look like:
@rainbowgx has a fantastic thread about the set here: www.elitefourum.com/t/carddass-pocket-monsters-pokemon-anime-collection/29374/1
ALmost half the times I see anime series, they are the fakes.