Pocket Monster quick question

Quick question, I see the same art work but the number on the card is different, & the hologram is different. Which of the two would be considered rarer? Also I’m assuming the lower the number the older the card? I don’t know much about these. But curious which of the two would be “superior”.


Someone can correct me but I believe these are just both bootleg vending machine cards that use the art from the CD “Can You Draw Pokémon?” CD soundtrack



I am not knowledgeable in this area, but I was also under the assumption cards/stickers like these were bootlegs.

Edit: Thought I had some stickers of similar design from my childhood that I kept around and looked for them. Here they are. You can see on the backside they don’t have any copyright information, which isn’t the end-all-be-all determination of bootlegs or genuine articles, but its a good start.

The #450 is the better looking and more intricate because the holo layer presents more like a real card but definitely both bootlegs.

@bbobrob the ones on the right are absolutely fakes and im fairly certain the ones on the left are also fakes but with stolen set art for fronts and backs.

Oh, yeah, they’re definitely bootlegs. I was just showing more examples of insert pokemon picture with cool foil and random number in circle stickers being bootlegs. The ones in the first picture are fronts while the second pictures are the backs. The Mewtwo vs Dratini art is pretty cool, but not sure where it’s from.

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Yep, all bootlegs. But I gotta say for someone who absolutely hates fakes/bootlegs the one on the bottom left is probably the coolest one out of all.