Pokémon 4-episode miniseries: Paldean Winds

Animated by Studio WIT, who has done work for numerous high profile anime series such as Attack on Titan (Season 1-3), Vinland Saga (Season 1) and Ranking of Kings

Episode 1 - Breathe Out (Sept 6, 2023)

Episode 2 - Breathe In (Oct 19, 2023)

Episode 3 - Take a Breath (Nov 23, 2023)

Episode 4 - Breathe Together (December 14, 2023)


Just saw this on my Youtube recommended–I don’t watch the anime, but I do love these shorts they make!

The animation was great, but the character Ohara was a bit boring. Hopefully, the other two characters will be better in the next few episodes.

Episode 2 - Breathe In (Oct 19, 2023)


Episode 3 - Take a Breath (Nov 23, 2023)


Final episode

Episode 4 - Breathe Together (December 14, 2023)

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