Pokemon Cards That You Wish Were Printed as a Holofoil?!

As the title says, which pokemon cards that were only printed as regular, non holo cards you would have liked to see as a holofoil?
There are so many epic/great looking cards that would have looked even better with holo! :blush:

I will start with these:

Butler’s Salamence

Pryce’s Articuno


Everything looks better in holo for sure. I’m all for more of them.

I wish some of the regular rares in English got holos, because some of them got holo versions in Japanese (Aerodactyl from Neo Rev, Omastar from legend maker, etc)

In a way though, it makes you appreciate the artwork, which 99% of people overlook. Lots of people are talking about the eseries commons and uncommons having the best artwork ever, and while I know they are off the charts, they are partly getting attention because of how rare those sets have gotten recently. If people opened their eyes and looked past the monetary aspect (or rather, lack of the such), they might find that even the commons being printed now actually do have some killer artwork.

– Joe

I think we have a thread on this subject already :thinking:


I have been lurking these forums for months and don’t remember seeing one, but if there is, a moderator can delete this thread if it’s needed. :blush:

The Sunset Mew is a lovely card with incredible artwork. It’s come down in price a bit over the last few years because of availability but I can’t help but wonder just how much it’d be worth if it was a Holo.


This bad boy over here~

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Some of the vending series artwork is so fantastic, Id love to see them in holo


I wish a lot of the old wizards promos had holo versions like flying pikachu/surfing pikachu in the original foil pattern. Gold border meowth promo with that holo style would have been amazing.

i wish they would incorporate the base set, early WOTC era style of holo (with perhaps just a touch more shininess/glare) into the new 7th generation sets. What they have now is cool but I just really like a bright silvery holo. Oh and base set Dragonair would be one I can think off the top of my head I wish were a holo.

Jungle Rhydon and base set Arcanine.

Edit: forgot about fossil Golem


Before XY Evolutions was released I really wanted a Base Pikachu in holo, but we’ve got that now with both the XY Evolutions Theme Deck shattered holofoil and Reverse Holo.

I’ve looked through my Pikachu collection, and the only one I would still like to see in holofoil is the Neo Genesis one. Everything else that I wanted to see already has a holo variant, with the XY202 for the WB Pikachu WotC 4 promo being the most recent.

One other card I’d love to see holo is the WotC promo Moltres, one of my favorite artworks in general.

They might not be the old holofoil pattern, but both Flying and Surfing Pikachu have holo versions: the Secret Rares from Rising Rivals.


Yeah they’re nice I guess but wizards jumped shipped on the old holo pattern too soon. It’s always been my favorite.

This! The background would deliver an amazing wotc style holo.



@qwachansey Man there are so many uncommon rocket cards that would look insane as a Holo!

These are some others I think would be quality:


@smpratte the vaporeon got a holo in the legendary collection :blush:


As a big Porygon fan, I’m sad that Porygon 2 wasn’t included in the Aquapolis holo set. Come on! Porygon is awesome! (At least there was Porygon A + B, so I guess that was something)

More non-holos I feel are deserving: (All 3rd-4th gen stuff, as that’s what I know the best!)

I know that Japanese card was a holo, but COME ON! Give it to us in English!


you beat me to stormfront gengar

The artwork was featured in the japanese WEB set. Probably one of my favorite cards, the volcanic background looks awesome :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh wow! Didn’t knew this! Will start searching for it right away. Thanks for letting me know.
