Pokémon In the News

Pokémon has always been prolific. So much so that it appears in the news consistently, nationally and locally. I wanted to created an ongoing thread where we can share the cool news Pokémon makes as we encounter it.

In general, try to keep it to:

  1. Things you naturally encountered.
  2. More than just a bunch of Pokémon Go articles.

I think a lot of us would really love to see Pokémon as it appears in local papers and small publications!

What have you seen lately?


Almost a year to try my idea.


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Wasn’t 100% sure what that other thread was doing.

I was part of a puzzle forum for years and one of the most popular ongoing threads was “Puzzles in the News.” I was thinking about that today and thought it might go over well here also. Definitely wasn’t trying to dismiss something existing. My bad.

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No, I was just teasing you.


‘Pokémon GO’ Needs Quests To Solve Its Downtime Problem Between Events


That article brings up a few great and valid points. As soon as the Water Festival ended, most of my friends put PoGo down and were saying ‘I’ll come back to it when they announce the Easter Event’.

I can’t even login after the event ended with their last update. Still haven’t played in 3 days because of this and Ninatic hasn’t even replied back to my email :slightly_frowning_face:

I understand that feeling. If it wasn’t for nests grinding would be even worse for me.

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Chicago Tribune


Haha love it

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…and conversion therapy does not cure it!!! LMAO!


Shouldn’t that be Pokérus - lol


“The Rock Spent Easter Chasing His Daughter Around In a Pikachu Costome”
Uproxx | 4.16.17



I have a feeling as time goes by this thread will accrue some really amazing gems. Great job Charlie :wink:

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Where is his tail? I’m horrified, scarred for life.

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Right? It’s super creepy but also endearing but also super creepy.

Pokémon Go Can Make You Happier, Study Says


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‘Really bro, Pokemon?’ Addison Russell is building baseball’s most unusual autograph collection



I should start doing this at Worlds!

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Hopefully the cards are only current commons.