Now that trading is out, I thought it would be nice to have a place to post what cards we have and what cards we need. Not sure if there’s somewhere more fitting to post already
This is a good idea to keep the main pocket thread about releases and updates.
Here are the cards I’m missing (can’t tell missing but just comparing libraries should suffice)
Cards I need are listed below. We can only trade up to 1 star cards right now I believe.
Let me know what you need and add me as a friend!
Friend ID: 6446-6874-3789-7191
Genetic Apex
3 diamond - Exeggutor, Weezing
4 diamond - Starmie ex
Nvm, realized i only have 2 for my deck! Sorry
Ill summarize what i need and what i have extras of later
Same here only 2 Marowaks… You also need to burn other cards to build up enough tokens to trade.
I have an extra muk and need Zapdos or machamp. I also have extra Bulbasaur one stars and need either electrode, Nidoking, eevee or rapidash
Unfortunately I only have 2 each of zapdos and machamp.
Here is what I’m missing (all from Genetic Apex):
3 diamond:
040: Arcanine
078: Gyarados
4 diamond:
036: Charizard ex
123: Gengar ex
1 star:
227: Bulbasaur art rare
Friend code: 3886218690853624
I have a rapidash I can do for bulbasaur?
Ok I’ll add you!!
I can trade you a 3 diamond arcanine. Do you have a muk, weezing or exeggutor for trade?
I have an extra Bulbasaur and need electrode, Eevee or nidoking
Awesome. Appreciate the first trade friend!
I only have 2 Muk and one Weezing and Executor unfortunately!
I have an extra Nidoking!
Thank you!! It was more expensive than I thought it would be as far as consuming cards haha. Guess it figures that they have to make money
just offer me any card at same level I got you anyways.
It let me offer the Muk, so let’s see if it works!
Sent a friend request!