Using Ruby and Sapphire as a quick example I’ve posted before.
I’ve only seen two combinations of each deck (that’s four in total for RS).
I’ve looked at just about every sold/available listing for them in the past few years, which lead me to believe that these pre-determined combinations are all that were released.
It’s worth mentioning that there’s no outward indication of multiple combinations across the decks. There’s nothing stated on the packaging, nor does the website suggest it either. However, the website does show two samples of cards from one of each of the combinatory decks.
I’ve labeled them using the “featured” titles I previously used in my aforementioned post.
Knowing this information made me presume that it’s likely the same across the other decks, which, to some extent, appears to be true.
There are definitely combinations.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to compile data on all of the decks at the moment.
Regarding red and green, I would be curious to know if the releases of the six green and red individual decks had combinations that changed as time went on (earlier decks containing differing combinations) - which may not necessarily be release independent, but across a few at a time.
Or is it possible that red/green decks have base combinations with potential for a few evolutions rotating?
In any case, I can’t imagine that they are product-release exclusive combinations.
Although, as the red and green decks had more releases, there’s more potential for the appearance of overall randomness through possibly issuing more combinations.
But the cost of satiating my curiousity is more than I am willing to pay in time at the moment, so for now my knowledge will have to remain incomplete.
@joponnes Yes, it will surely be interesting to see if the combination is the same for all Netz decks.