Pokemon Poker Cards

I wanted to do this since there is not an encyclopedia of "Pokermon" cards yet. A more deep research is happening. Just not immediately. Additional information is welcome.

1996: Original Red and Green Decks

Major difference is in the background of jack, queen and king,
red deck has “red pixels” and green deck has them… green.
Can’t really say if the pressing of pokemon and seeds here is random or not.

1998: Blue and Yellow Decks

Pokemon or seed seems to be printed randomly, as can be seen swapped (same seed and color, different Pokemon).
This time I’m pretty sure it’s random, as you can search for a 2 of clubs from the yellow deck featuring a Graveler or a Golem, just as an example.

1998: Red, Green, Blue and Yellow 3D Decks

Can’t find anymore red and green, but I’m sure I’ve seen those.
Major thing here you can see Pokemon only on the ace, joker, jack, queen and king.
Also, don’t know if differences are random.
I’ve seen the king of heart being a Victreebel on 2 yellow decks and being a Vileplume on a blue deck.

2000: Gold and Silver Decks

Like the red and green one.

2000: Pichu and Marill Decks

2003: Ruby and Sapphire Decks

2004: FireRed and LeafGreen Decks

2007: Diamond and Pearl Decks

2009: Platinum Deck

Seems there are not HG/SS poker decks.

2010: Black and White Decks

2012: Black2 and White2 Decks

2013: X and Y Decks

2015: OmegaRuby and AlphaShappire Decks

2016: Sun and Moon Decks

And that’s all folks.
…all original, classical, era.

Toyota Nets Deck

Art is similar to the first 4 Nintendo decks, I think only the back is different, mixing all 4 in one.

Pokemon Center 10th Anniversary (2006)

A nice found from A.P.Speeze.


Pokemon Center of Osaka (2011)

Pokemon Center Cosplay Pikachu Pretend Magikarp & Gyarados (2015)

Pokemon Center Online 2016 Mario & Pikachu Campaign

Pokemon Center Winter Pikachu Set (2016)

Pokemon Center of Kyoto Okuge Pikachu Set (2016)

Pokemon All Star (2016)

Tenyo Magic Cards / Tenyo Hyper Magic

Okok, these are trick cards, for magic tricks, not for play.
But most of the magic tricks are made with standard poker cards, easily recognisable.
There are 3 decks: black, purple and blue.

Source: TENYO: Tenyo Pokemon Magic Collection

1999 Mini Playing Cards

Can’t compare myself but these cards are smaller than the standard.
There are 3 decks: red, blue and green.

Unboxing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEI0vp7Hw_o&ab_channel=JamesCollects

CoroCoro Appendix / Televikun Magazine Promo

This is a false statement, the real ones are somewhere else in the forum. Still finding a more suitable name on some of those decks.

1996 Kagemaru Himeno Poker Cards

This is the real appendix to some CoroCoro. More info in Kagemaru Himeno Poker Set Mini Binder

Pokemon Poker PM

Aiueo Poker Cards (Mini Deck)

Anime based one I have less than zero information about.

Battle Trump Cards (Mini Deck)

Pokemon Poker AN (Mini Deck)

These are like comics.

Pokemon Poker PMC (Mini Deck)


Pokemon Poker JPFS (Mini Deck)

just 3 different set with same keywords. Advance Generation, Colosseum, Diamond & Pearl.

Other 2 from Mini Decks found by Quuador:

Katakana (Mini Deck)

I don’t even know what to call these things.
Help me.

Anime Poker Cards

They are made in Taiwan. Probably fake.

More here:

These are the same as above but with a different back.
They remind me of cardass or sealdass.

Another different back. Confirmed they are the same cards by comparison.

More here:

Another Anime-Based (1999)

Anime Bootleg #3

Anime Bootleg #4

This video looks terrible. In waiting for a better source.

Another Probable Bootleg

Found by Typhlosion_Collector.

Yet Another Almost Certain Chinese Print:

And a Russian / Ukrainian One

I’m sorry to not being capable of distinguish the ethnicity of this product. Now more than ever.
Found by nenechicken (e4 discord).

Ali Baba and His 40 Thieves Strikes Back

found this from my friend Ali. Can’t really tell if this is a official product.
Knowing my friend I’d say no, but it’s just my word here.

Unknown Vaporeon-Fan

I just don’t get why there’s a Vaporeon here instead of a Bulbasaur. Pretty well done, but probably it’s fan made.

MakePlayingCards (Custom)

This is kinda fun cause they used berries and revives for the numbers.
This is surely a non official product.


House of Cards (Custom)

This is surely a non official product.

JovialDesignCo (Custom)

On a famous site you can buy these poker cards with the classic pokemon back.
This is surely a non official product.

DeosilDeisgns (Custom)

Still on the same site there’s this sort of deck with pokemon made more similar to animals.
This is surely a non official product.


Great overview! I personally have these two Seviper from 2003 (on the right) and 2015 (on the left):

I’ve also seen some more Seviper playing cards, which are on my wanted list (I don’t have any better pictures unfortunately):

Any idea from which year/release these two are? It might be faster to look for the complete deck than these loose cards for me. :wink:



First 2 should obviously be from the AS and Shappire decks.
The low res ones… don’t resemble nothing I’ve posted so far.
They should come from some sort of mini deck, like the AN, PMC or the JPFS…
I’ll let you know and edit as soon as I find out!


Great pic collection! Ah sadly no Gyarados in the vintage deck…

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My bro… they are just so random.
Your hope should not be lost


Here’s the newest one I just picked up.


Yes, the first two I indeed knew, and saw in your list above. :slight_smile:

Thanks. And thanks again for sharing the entire post and the research you’ve done for it thus far. Always great to learn something new.


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BGS’s Black Label department is looking at this thread and salivating

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The 4 decks from Japan Pokemon Center 10th Anniversary are a pretty neat set that has some rarity.



Right now poker cards = Black Label lottery! :sunglasses:


Probably not official but a low print run bootleg


Some of these sets look really cool. Especially the backing of Gold and Silver.

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Made a first edit for some additions.
Thanks to @Quuador @Typhlosion_Collector @A.P.Speeze @pfm and the other member of discord (I can’t find your tag) for the help, and everyone for the support


The box of the Katakana ones translated simply to “Pokemon Katakana Playing Cards” (literally “Pokemon Katakana Trump”, trump being the Japanese term for any type of playing card). At a guess, they mght double as karuta cards? All I can tell you for certain is that the box refuses to give anything away.


This is an awesome post. Very informative!

I love the poker cards so much. There’s something about the simplicity of their design that makes me happy.

Here’s my Shedinja from the 2003 Sapphire deck:

Unfortunately, he did not make a reappearance for the 2015 oras decks. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Apparently only one seller with toyota netz cards on ebay right now, was curious to see if the decks can have any pokemon like red/blue/green/yellow decks or if they are fixed to certain pokemon. Not too many photos on google too but they all present the same pokemon than what’s on ebay

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I see like 5/6 insertions, but yeah, all there seems to be is on eBay. Only pic that adds to the main post Is a joker with the Gym Leaders, not really helpful.
That’s why I left only a charmander, so you can see the cards are made the same way changing only the back.
As the first 4 decks are random I can’t really tell which Pokémon are left behind if so or if they printed all 151 but you have to gamble between decks to find the one you like the most with every back.


These aren’t the initial discussion points I was meaning to bring up, @omic, but just some quick additional information - while I have a moment.

Yeah, I agree, the ‘Anime Poker Cards’ are bootlegs.

As is often the case, bootleggers steal existing designs from disparate sources.

For example, they will often feature different design styles within a given product.

This is because the sources range from screenshots, calendar scans, book covers, posters etc.

There’s a bit of a discussion here:

Some of the ones you posted have designs lifted from this calendar:

They didn’t even bother to remove the text which says 1999 Calendar from this card.

It’s mainly just a matter of identifying where the art from each originates and seeing how it is presented.

On the subject of the Netz Toyota cards, there’s a seller on ebay selling singles from an opened deck. It’s basically a green deck. I don’t know if all Netz Toyota decks are green, or whether there is the potential to get red/yellow/blue cards also.


Netz Toyota actually has quite a history with promotion campaigns involving Pokemon merchandise. If I recall correctly, they did some stamp rally kind of events early on.

Anyway, these are some other Netz Toyota non-card items I have come across:


@omic What do you mean by the first 4 decks are random?


4 first ones are indeed random, i have grimer and muk from all the decks but not all decks from the same colour have them. That’s why i’ve been wondering if netz decks are fixed or if the cards in them vary too like in other similar decks

Edit: clarifying what i said. So there isn’t green deck pokemon or red deck pokemon but instead they all can have any pokemon, not sure if there are any fixed combinations but all pokemon included can be in all decks


Yeah, I was just hoping someone would share a clearer definition of random as it applies to these decks.

Yes that makes sense with your grimer and muk cards.

What I seem to recall is there were only a few combinations possible - pokemon wise. Decks would be random in the sense that you didn’t know which combination you received, but there weren’t many of them.
Each deck isn’t unique by providing randomly arranged pokemon per set.

I would have to go back and check, but that was my presumed understanding.

You can see an example of a combintion below.

Note the cards are arranged in the opposite direction in the second photo, and in different row positions.

But to add a little more magic: the second photo is another Netz Toyota deck. So that’s two of those decks we’ve seen, and they both share the same combination (if you compare the ebay store I posted earlier).


Let’s sit them aside for a moment and talk about some different decks.

@omic The cards you’ve got listed as ‘CoroCoro Appendix / Televikun Magazine Promo’

Are not from CoroCoro, but are from Televi-kun.

It was an inclusion for the February issue of 1998.

They released another deck of cards a year later (Feb 1999), which are not traditional playing cards.

Rabbit Hole

The deck you’ve got titled ’ Aiueo Poker Cards (Mini Deck) - Anime based one I have less than zero information about.’

Those were an inclusion for the January Issue of 1999, of the Kindergarten magazine.

Another thing I will quickly mention is I know there is at least one more magic trick release, and that’s the xy version. I haven’t checked if there are more.

That’s all I have time for at the moment.