The 3rd game model was kinda old, and especially with the last few of them they felt very squeezed for new content and really were copout.
However, this is a cop out as well. There are some cool things in there but what gets me is joining in on the trend in the games industry now where they cut content that was normal in previous games and then sell it back to the consumer. It’s a disgusting tactic that works, sadly.
I get the perspective of people being mad at paying for the DLC that likely should have been part of the original game, but overall I’m just excited for the new stuff. I know by buying it, we might be inadvertently rewarding crappy business practices, and I get that too, but I just wanna play the game!
I’m happy about it as pretty much done everything I could do. Just 4 short of completing the dex and spending most of my time shiny hunting now, so something new to do is nice.
I personally am very excited for it, I love the game and I think a lot of the introductions they are bringing are going to help keep retention high for players instead of having so many of them beat and retreat. It is a little sad that the modern age of video games often goes for the “Half Baked” game strategy, as I was first introduced to in Destiny 1, that allows for future expansions, but I believe games like S&S are doing it well because the initial release was satisfactory. It’s the trend games are going today, but I believe S&S executed it well!
I am honestly so excited for this. It reminds me of DP with the Member Card/Oak’s Letter etc. where you could access new areas of the game and get mythicals, but turned up to 11. The stuff they showed was just insane, new Regis, Galarian Kanto birds, and the new areas are all open-world. I’m really happy that they’ve seemingly found a way to drag out the excitement with a new Pokemon release, my main issue with Sun and Moon was that I spent $60 on the game and played it for a week but there was nothing really to do after that besides shiny hunt and wait for the next games. The GMax events and DLC will make this a much more exciting and long-term game for me.
For those who are somehow against this, ask yourself if you would be as annoyed if Pokemon simply repackaged this into “Pokemon Gun” or whatever standard 3rd version of the game they have been putting out and charged $60 for it in November. Compare this to USUM which basically had a token story change and a couple new Ultra Beasts. It’s basically half off a new game.
I wouldn’t agree with this at all because the game wasn’t missing “sleeves”, but was a complete game and satisfactory. The comparison that makes more sense would be paying 60$ for a shirt and then they offer you a new hoodie that matches.
But it’s not a new game. They’re two expansions. As I said in earlier posts, these games have failed to impress as they have less Pokemon, less new animations, and the same models as games from 6/7 years ago that were on handhelds and were cheaper. Dynamaxing is universally considered to be a significantly inferior gimmick to Mega Evolutions. The core gameplay isn’t evolving–it has stayed monotonous. There are very few RPGs left today that have as barebones as a combat system as Pokemon.
And this is all coming from the franchise–which many have said thousands of times but I will keep saying–that is the highest-grossing media franchise of all-time, and the main series games are supposed to be their top-tier, audience-engaging product. And they pale in comparison to the content quality and quantity of other modern high-budget games.
I completely disagree with this. I think people are generalizing way too much on subjective motives, because this game is literally the #1 most successfully launched Pokemon game to date by sales statistics. The comments on the game models and animations is such a non-factor for the vast majority of players, because you are focusing on the least important aspects of the game. The game delivered solid new pokemon, Dynamax Pokemon (which is not inferior to Mega Evolutions and the Competitive Community recognizes this truth consistently), and it delivered the wild area which revolutionized the game for most player especially when it comes to Pokedex completion and Shiny Hunting, and then tops it off with raid battles. The DLC is a great way to keep not only player retention thriving, but to keep the casual and competitive scene on going instead of leaving the game to die off for most players after the first month. This is a win for Pokemon.
I play games because they’re fun and compelling–not because they have good sales.
The visual appeal is incredibly important to a game. Much of the joy from playing Pokemon is the immersion, imagining yourself in the Pokemon world. For the animations and models to be the same, stiff ones we got 6/7 years ago on a handheld with all the resources the developers have is inexcusable.
The post-game hasn’t been this minimal since Ruby/Sapphire. Every Pokemon game that followed had more post-game than Sword and Shield, and those games were $20 cheaper.
Also, you really legitimized yourself with your comment on the competitive scene. The competitive community, which I have actually dabbled in in the past, BANNED Dynamaxing because it’s such an unbalanced mechanic. They haven’t "recognized the truth’ that it is superior–they literally completely rejected it. You could not be more wrong in that regard.
Again you are repeating subjective complaints about the aspects of animations and models that you personally don’t enjoy and then plastering them onto the general population as if somehow since you think so that means everyone does which is completely false. The post game literally opens up so much potential with Legendary catching, Shiny Hunting, Wildy Area exploration (which revolutionized the game), and raid battles. These previously stated aspects of the game have such a higher impact on the game and that’s why the game has been so successful.
Also so many problems with your comments on “Banned” Dynamaxing. The competitive community ranted for so long about the hatred they had for Mega evolutions and how they wanted it to be removed, and it is clear in the comp playstyle that Dynamax is the far more acceptable version. And the Fake News “evidence” you are using to say Dynamaxing is banned by the comp community is completely and utterly false. The literal only place Dynamaxing is banned is on Smogon Singles and no where else. VGC is the Competitive play setting and Dynamaxing is legal. Singles has not been the tournament standard competitive setting for years and the VGC comp setting allows it. Needless to say I am always open to subjective opinions about the state of the game or the future, but don’t state them as facts or act as if the game is suffering, because Pokemon is riding this game all the way to bank.
I love the idea, I think the downfall here was the price. Disregarding my personal opinions on the matter, how many games have dlc for $30? Not very many. Most are $15-$20. I think if the expansions were $20 each or $30 for both that these expansions would have a better reaction to the content included in them and more people would be willing to give them a chance.
Why are you a Pokemon fan then? Your gripes seem to be that Pokemon isn’t Call Of Duty or some beautiful video game renaissance. Who gives a flying fuck about the Pokemon animations?? I certainly don’t. Comparing Pokemon and animation numbers is such a butthurt #BBND whine that doesn’t address the actual game at all. If animation quality is your standard of a good game then Pokemon might not be the franchise for you. If you’re looking for an in-depth and engaging combat system, Pokemon is DEFINITELY not the franchise for you.
Pokemon gameplay isn’t evolving: in other news, the sky is blue and water is wet. Pokemon has been the exact same with very limited changes since 1997.
It is $30 US for the Sword/Shield Expansion Pack, which includes both the Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra DLCs. So it is $30 for both with no option to only purchase one.