Pokemon TCG Pins

Hi All,

I don’t know if any of you collect these but i am trying to update my personal database with what pins are out there related to TCG.

I am only including the TCG ones so don’t have anything in from places like pokemon centers in Japan. The list of what i can find is below, Can any one provide infromation on ones i may have missed and images if you have them please.

Note i am only including official Nintendo/WOTC ones.


Pin Collection
Ability Badge 2005-2006 Battle Frontier cycle Pokemon League
Absol Mega Absol-EX Premium Collection
Arcaus Mythical Pokémon Collection - Arceus
Articuno Legendary Birds Pin Blisters
Aspertia Badge 2012-2013 Unova Gym cycle Pokemon League
Balance Badge 2003-2004 Hoenn Region cycle Pokemon League
Basic Badge 2011-2012 Unova Region cycle Pokemon League
Beacon Badge 2007-2008 Sinnoh Region cycle Pokemon League
Bolt Badge 2011-2012 Unova Region cycle Pokemon League
Boon Island Badge 2004-2005 Sevii Islands cycle Pokemon League
Boston Pikachu World Championship pin 2015 World Championships Decks
Boulder Badge 2000-2001 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Boulder Badge 2006-2007 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Brave Badge 2005-2006 Battle Frontier cycle Pokemon League
Cascade Badge 2000-2001 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Cascade Badge 2006-2007 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Castelia Badge 2012-2013 Unova Gym cycle Pokemon League
Celebi Mythical Pokémon Collection-Celebi
Chespin Chespin Pin Blister / Kalos Starter Collection
Chrono Island Badge 2004-2005 Sevii Islands cycle Pokemon League
City Championship City Championship 2004-2005
City Championship City Championship 2005-2006
City Championship City Championship 2006-2007
City Championship City Championship 2007-2008
City Championship City Championship 2008-2009
Coal Badge 2007-2008 Sinnoh Region cycle Pokemon League
Cobble Badge 2007-2008 Sinnoh Region cycle Pokemon League
Crobat Legacy Evolution Pin Collection
Dark Badge 2008-2009 Energy cycle Pokemon League
Darkrai Mythical Pokémon Collection - Darkrai
DC Pikachu World Championship pin 2014 World Championships Decks
Decidueye Decidueye-GX Premium Collection
Dragonite Dragonite Collector’s Pin Blister
Driftveil Badge 2012-2013 Unova Gym cycle Pokemon League
Dynamo Badge 2003-2004 Hoenn Region cycle Pokemon League
Earth Badge 2000-2001 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Earth Badge 2006-2007 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Entei Legendary Beasts Collector’s Pin 3-Pack Blisters
Espeon Espeon GX Premium Collection
EX Crystal Guardians EX Crystal Guardians Pre release
EX Delta Species EX Delta Species Pre release
EX Deoxy EX Deoxy Pre release
EX Deoxy Winner EX Deoxy Pre release
EX Dragon Frontier EX Dragon Frontier Pre release
EX Emerald EX Emerald Pre release
EX Emerald Winner EX Emerald Pre release
EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms Pre release
EX Legend Maker EX Legend Maker Pre release
EX Team Rocket Returns EX Team Rocket Returns Pre release
EX Team Rocket Returns Winner EX Team Rocket Returns Pre release
EX Unseen Forces EX Unseen Forces Pre release
Feather Badge 2003-2004 Hoenn Region cycle Pokemon League
Fen Badge 2007-2008 Sinnoh Region cycle Pokemon League
Fennekin Fennekin Pin Blister / Kalos Starter Collection
Fighting Badge 2008-2009 Energy cycle Pokemon League
Fire Badge 2008-2009 Energy cycle Pokemon League
Floe Island Badge 2004-2005 Sevii Islands cycle Pokemon League
Fog Badge 2001-2002 Johto Region cycle Pokemon League
Forest Badge 2007-2008 Sinnoh Region cycle Pokemon League
Fortune Island Badge 2004-2005 Sevii Islands cycle Pokemon League
Freeze Badge 2011-2012 Unova Region cycle Pokemon League
Froakie Froakie Pin Blister / Kalos Starter Collection
Genesect Mythical Pokémon Collection - Genesect
Glacier Badge 2001-2002 Johto Region cycle Pokemon League
Grass Badge 2008-2009 Energy cycle Pokemon League
Guts Badge 2005-2006 Battle Frontier cycle Pokemon League
Hawaii Pikachu World Chamiponship pin 2012 World Championships Decks
Heat Badge 2003-2004 Hoenn Region cycle Pokemon League
Hive Badge 2001-2002 Johto Region cycle Pokemon League
Hoopa Hoopa-EX Legendary Collection
Humilau Badge 2012-2013 Unova Gym cycle Pokemon League
Icicle Badge 2007-2008 Sinnoh Region cycle Pokemon League
Incineroar Incineroar-GX Premium Collection
Insect Badge 2011-2012 Unova Region cycle Pokemon League
Jet Badge 2011-2012 Unova Region cycle Pokemon League
Jirachi Mythical Pokémon Collection - Jirachi
Keldeo Mythical Pokémon Collection - Keldeo
Knot Island Badge 2004-2005 Sevii Islands cycle Pokemon League
Knowledge Badge 2005-2006 Battle Frontier cycle Pokemon League
Knuckle Badge 2003-2004 Hoenn Region cycle Pokemon League
Legend Badge 2011-2012 Unova Region cycle Pokemon League
Lightning Badge 2008-2009 Energy cycle Pokemon League
Litten, Rowlet & Popplio Alola Collector’s Pin 2-Pack Blister
Luck Badge 2005-2006 Battle Frontier cycle Pokemon League
Lunala Alola Collection
Manaphy Mythical Pokémon Collection - Manaphy
Marsh Badge 2000-2001 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Marsh Badge 2006-2007 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Mega Aerodactyl Mega Aerodactyl-EX Premium Collection
Mega Alakazam Fates Collide Pin Blisters
Mega Beedrill Mega Beedrill-EX Premium Collection
Mega Blastoise Evolutions Pin Blisters
Mega Blaziken Mega Blaziken Pin Blisters
Mega Camerupt Mega Camerupt EX Premium Collection
Mega Charizard X Mega Evolution Collector Pin Three Pack Blisters / Mega Evolution Three Pin Blister
Mega Charizard Y Mega Evolution Collector Pin Three Pack Blisters / Mega Evolution Three Pin Blister
Mega Diancie Mega Diancie EX Premium Collection
Mega Gengar Mega Evolution Collector Pin Three Pack Blisters
Mega Kangaskhan Mega Evolution Collector Pin Three Pack Blisters
Mega Latios Roaring Skies Mega Evolution Collector’s Pin Blisters
Mega Lucario Mega Evolution Collector Pin Three Pack Blisters / Mega Evolution Three Pin Blister
Mega Mawile Mega Mawile-EX Premium Collection
Mega Mewtwo X BREAKthrough Pin Blisters
Mega Mewtwo Y BREAKthrough Pin Blisters
Mega Rayquaza Roaring Skies Mega Evolution Collector’s Pin Blisters
Mega Scizor BREAKpoint Pin Blisters
Mega Sharpedo Mega Sharpedo EX Premium Collection
Mega Swampert Mega Swampert Pin Blisters
Mega Tyranitar Ancient Origins Pin Blisters
Mega Venusaur Evolutions Pin Blisters
Meloetta Mythical Pokémon Collection - Meloetta
Mew Mythical Pokémon Collection—Mew
Mimikyu Mimikyu Pin Collection
Mind Badge 2003-2004 Hoenn Region cycle Pokemon League
Mine Badge 2007-2008 Sinnoh Region cycle Pokemon League
Mineral Badge 2001-2002 Johto Region cycle Pokemon League
Mistralton Badge 2012-2013 Unova Gym cycle Pokemon League
Moltres Legendary Birds Pin Blisters
National Championship National Championship 2006-2007
National Championship National Championship 2007-2008
National Championship National Championship 2008-2009
Nimbasa Badge 2012-2013 Unova Gym cycle Pokemon League
Opelucid Badge 2012-2013 Unova Gym cycle Pokemon League
Pikachu Pikachu-EX Legendary Collection
Plain Badge 2001-2002 Johto Region cycle Pokemon League
Pokemon 10th Anniversary Pikachu Pokemon 10th Anniversary
Pokemon Gym Challenge Pokemon Gym Challenge World Qualifiers
Pokemon League Pokemon League
Pokemon Organised Play 5 Winner Pokemon Organised Play 5 times winner
Pokemon Organised Play Championship Winner Pokemon Organised Play Championship Winner (Round Design)
Pokemon Organised Play Championship Winner Pokemon Organised Play Championship Winner (Rectangle Design)
Pokemon Professor 2004 Pokemon Professor Program 2004
Pokemon TCG League Pokemon TCG League Blue/White Pokeball Pin
Pokemon World Championships 2005 Pokemon World Championships 2005
Pokemon World Championships 2006 Pokemon World Championships 2006
Pokemon World Championships 2007 Pokemon World Championships 2007
Pokemon World Championships 2008 Pokemon World Championships 2008
Pokemon World Championships 2009 Pokemon World Championships 2009
Primal Groudon Primal Reversion Three Pack Pin Blister
Primal Kyogre Primal Reversion Three Pack Pin Blister
Primarina Primarina-GX Premium Collection
Psychic Badge 2008-2009 Energy cycle Pokemon League
Quake Badge 2011-2012 Unova Region cycle Pokemon League
Quest Island Badge 2004-2005 Sevii Islands cycle Pokemon League
Raichu 2017 Europeon Championship pin 2017 Europeon Championship
Raikou Legendary Beasts Collector’s Pin 3-Pack Blisters
Rain Badge 2003-2004 Hoenn Region cycle Pokemon League
Rainbow Badge 2000-2001 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Rainbow Badge 2006-2007 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Red Genesect Red Genesect Collection
Regional Championship Regional Championship 2004-2005
Regional Championship Regional Championship 2005-2006
Regional Championship Regional Championship 2006-2007
Regional Championship Regional Championship 2007-2008
Regional Championship Regional Championship 2008-2009
Relic Badge 2007-2008 Sinnoh Region cycle Pokemon League
Rising Badge 2001-2002 Johto Region cycle Pokemon League
San Francisco Pikachu World Championship pin 2016 World Championships Decks
San Francisco Pikachu World Championship pin 2016 San Francisco World Championship (Staff)
Shaymin Mythical Pokémon Collection - Shaymin
Shiny Mega Gardevoir Steam Siege Pin Blisters
Shiny Mega Gyarados BREAKpoint Pin Blisters
Shiny Mega Rayquaza Ancient Origins Pin Blisters
Solgaleo Alola Collection
Soul Badge 2000-2001 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Soul Badge 2006-2007 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Spirit Badge 2005-2006 Battle Frontier cycle Pokemon League
State Championship State Championshop 2004-2005
State Championship State Championshop 2005-2006
State Province Territory Championship State Province Territory Championship 2006-2007
State Province Territory Championship State Province Territory Championship 2007-2008
State Province Territory Championship State Province Territory Championship 2008-2009
Steel Badge 2008-2009 Energy cycle Pokemon League
Stone Badge 2003-2004 Hoenn Region cycle Pokemon League
Storm Badge 2001-2002 Johto Region cycle Pokemon League
Suicune Legendary Beasts Collector’s Pin 3-Pack Blisters
Tactic Badge 2005-2006 Battle Frontier cycle Pokemon League
Tapu Koko Tapu Koko Pin Collection
Team Aqua Double Crisis Blisters
Team Magma Double Crisis Blisters
Thunder Badge 2000-2001 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Thunder Badge 2006-2007 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Trainer Tower Badge 2004-2005 Sevii Islands cycle Pokemon League
Trio Badge 2011-2012 Unova Region cycle Pokemon League
Umbreon Umbreon GX Premium Collection
Vancover Pikachu World Championship pin 2013 World Championships Decks
Victini Mythical Pokémon Collection - Victini
Virbank Badge 2012-2013 Unova Gym cycle Pokemon League
Volcanion Steam Siege Pin Blisters
Volcano Badge 2000-2001 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Volcano Badge 2006-2007 Kanto Region cycle Pokemon League
Water Badge 2008-2009 Energy cycle Pokemon League
Xerneas Xerneas Three Pack Pin Blister
Yveltal Yveltal Three Pack Pin Blister
Zapdos Legendary Birds Pin Blisters
Zephyr Badge 2001-2002 Johto Region cycle Pokemon League
Zoroark Zoroark Collector’s Pin Blister
Zygarde Fates Collide Pin Blisters
Zygarde Complete Zygarde Box
Trecko, Torchic & Mudkip Hoenn Collection

@mavericknate @funmonkey54

These two are probably the most knowledgeable on pins from Pokemon in English.

Nice thread. Historically, pins have been a popular collectible.
I have plenty of these tucked away but know nothing about them. Are there “high value” pins and which are they?

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Unsure on value of these at the moment while putting the list together i seen them range $2 to $30 there may be some which are more but i have no idea sorry

This is dope. I’ll try to look over this tomorrow and get back to you if I notice anything.

Canman on ebay made an incredible coin catalogue and I would love to see something as thorough come up with the pins.

Great work!

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Would love to see the coin list and match it with mine to see if i am missing any of them as well

I had no idea that there were even this many pins released…thanks for blowing my mind, OP! This is fantastic. :blush:

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no problem @jayce87 there may be more yet, this is just what i could find in a few days. Possibly there are loads more.

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You are doing what I’ve always wanted to do with pins! Kudos to you!

I would check out this page on pokemon.com just to double check anything that might have slipped through the cracks

Otherwise, after skimming through the list, there was one in my collection that stood out as missing. I’m not sure at what tournament it was, some us nationals or worlds maybe?, but you got this “5 wins” pin for winning 5 matches in a row at maybe a side event? Link is here: Link
I’m not too sure about anything else, I could never find the info. Good list though! Good job!

Thanks for the collectibles link @mavericknate seeing everything on here i may have to extend the list to include any from other official pokemon sources and use a sub category to state where they are obtainable from something like TCG, Championship, Promotional Pokemon Center.

I’ve got a few, still in the wrapper, from when I played in the local Pokemon League.
Tried to list them a few times on eBay seeing if I could fetch a quick buck, but was out of luck. Now I just keep them, because as Gary says; pin collectors will always be there and in the end, league pins are pins.

Go any photos of them @genosha would love to see if there is any there which i have missed.

I think you got them on your list already, since they’re the Kanto badge inspired POP pins

cool, think with expanded these it is going to take more time to do this than i thought.

On the forum as well. @canman202020 Any ideas on pins at all?

I have kept one unique pin from each product I have ever owned so I will have to go through my bag and see if I have any that were missed here.

I have built a list of TCG pins on bulbapedia (Pin (TCG) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia). I keep it up to date and I have been slowly adding photos

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This photo is not helpful at all to the goal of this thread, just thought I would share this sample project I did with my excess pins. Eye-catching, low-cost, easy to do.


Love this, note updated my pin list in a while.

Great list, thanks for sharing.

It seems like you’re missing one of the two Zoroark I have: www.elitefourum.com/t/wtt-pokemon-pins/21797/1

Both Shining Legends Pin Collection—Zoroark and Zoroark Collector’s Pin Blister are on the list :blush: