PokePop autograph collection

I was asked to share my autograph collection. Let me know if I shouldn’t start a new topic for that or if I should add it to an existing topic.


Awesome stuff! Ive seen your collection before. Love the sugimoris and the celebi signed by yoshida!

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Please excuse the drool. Top tier collection, thank you for sharing!

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Amazing collection! I’m guessing you must be a long time player of the TCG to have so many ungraded Sugimori autographs?

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For those who don’t know, PokePop is an OG! I remember when I joined Pokegym almost 20 years ago, he was one of the most active and helpful staff on the site! Anyway that signed collection is impossible to replicate today! :sunglasses:


This is awesome! Any chance youd be willing to share why you got some of them signed? I love a good story and meaning behind some of them! What card means the most to you. Like was it a struggle to get, bad day that turned around, etc. Thanks for sharing!


Great collection and great person! One of the best judges that pokemon has had.

Definitely wish I still had time to judge at regionals.

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Long time judge and tournament organizer


I seen a Ditto profile picture and thought, hmm Imposter! I see what you did there though…

Awesome to see your still around! Incredible collection!

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Well, I do use this Imposter avatar I made quite often


Hitoshi Ariga was really happy to see the Hattrem. You were the only one who chose that card!

Great collection! The 2005 Yoshida’s are really interesting as those rarely pop up. Do you remember why you didn’t have him sign anything in 2007?


I should add this one as well


Glad to make them happy! They do a very nice autograph!

I did have things signed in 2007. I don’t see Yoshida, though. Maybe they were 2006? I missed that year due to my father’s death.
I got these signed in 2007:


That signed poster is awesome! You should get it framed :slight_smile:

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The legend! I’ve read many of your old Pokegym posts over the years picking around that site for research. Happy to see you here!


That clears it up! He changed his style that year, and his is the one with the Deoxys sketch.

Did you get anything done in 2014? He changed his style again that year too.


Wow!! So many incredible autographs here, thanks for sharing

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This is a stunning collection. I really enjoyed looking at each photo in detail.


That explains it! Thanks so much for sharing and welcome back!

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Mr. PokePop!

When I saw the thread title, I immediately asked “could it be THE PokePop from PokeGym?”
It was in fact PokePop from the Gym.

Thanks for sharing, glad to see your continued involvement in the community :slight_smile: .