Poll for E4 site ideas/additions!

Hey everyone. I have been talking to Pfm about things that could be added to the site to improve the experience and continue to enrich the atmosphere here. Below are some poll questions to get members’ opinions and ideas. There were several other things such as interface and add ons that are in the works already, and are great to look forward to as well, such as added OP names to recent threads page, and other very beneficial items. Please feel welcome in voting, and I encourage anyone interested/enthusiastic to explain why you think/feel the way you do about your answers. Thanks everybody!

  1. Would you like to have text signatures enabled, in addition to the option for images including the sprites currently available?
  • Yes, text and/or images in signature
  • No, sprites only

0 voters

  1. Would you like to see badge icons displayed next to profile when viewing posts?
  • Yes, display badges I’ve obtained
  • No, keep them only visible when clicking on member

0 voters

  1. Would you like to see post count displayed as well?
  • Yes, display post count near my profile picture on posts
  • No, do not display post count

0 voters

  1. Would you like to see a post’s time of day in addition to just the date (edit: after 24 hours that is)?
  • Yes, display the time of day
  • No, just the date

0 voters

  1. Do you like seeing the like button on the top or bottom of the post?
  • Top, on the same plane as the member’s name and picture
  • Bottom, where it is currently

0 voters

  1. Would you prefer member tags to contain the @ icon, or just display the member’s red user link?
  • Keep the @
  • No @ before name in tag, but the user red link

0 voters

  1. Pagination (ie pages instead of infinite scroll) is currently not feasible due to coding restrictions. If it ever did become possible, would you like the option to have it in addition to the infinite scroll bar? If yes, both options would be available, and it would be your choice, just like light and dark mode.
  • Yes, I would like the option because I like pages
  • No, I prefer infinite scroll

0 voters


All I want is pages! :sob:


Trust me when I say this: it’s a lost fight.

(Voting for pages as always.)



@Llyrwenne @stagecoach

Initially, I would have preferred pages, too, but I’ve really grown accustomed to the infinite scroll and now I actually prefer it. Oddly enough, I think infinite scroll makes the site cleaner/more easily navigable. Never thought I would have said that a few months ago when this site first opened.


I have gotten accustomed to it as well. I can live with it for what it is. But would I choose it? No. Never. Not in a million years.

Edit: I’m surrounded in traitors to the cause!


I was in favour of pages for a few weeks after the switch, but now I’ve gotten used to infinite scroll and it is definitely an improvement. If it was possible to have both that would be nice but otherwise please stick with infinite scroll.

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Glad to see enthusiasm, but just wanted to say, let’s not beat the pages aspect to death on this one. It was just a little hypothetical question at the end–it is the least important one considering how unfeasible it currently is, and how clearly little interest there is in it.

I just wanted to say that, before this thread becomes singularly a conversation about it haha.


Bring back the visibility of badges on posts! I miss that so much!


I want the badges and the option of a text signature. I see I’m in the minority about the time-of-day thing, pretty unimportant aspect to me personally. I love the clean, non-tetris look of this site and would avoid adding more stuff than necessary.


Thanks for the poll. Displaying badges and post count would be a really nice little remembrance of the old e4 forum roots.


Ok. :pensive:

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(I think it’d be nice to have like 1 singular line, get all your socials in there or “looking for x card”)


I think for all the time I’ve spent getting used to the new site, which has a lot of functions and features that are miles ahead of anything the old software was capable of, the things I miss the most are the aesthetic ones.

I think the return of badge icons and post count would would be a comforting restoration. For all the upgrades, the change from graphic badges to an associated tag is probably the clearest downgrade. I think ideally these tags and the badge icons would be distinct elements.


Trust me llyrwenne, I would love it too! I just don’t want it to be the sole talking point of the thread. Believe me I want it, but it just isn’t really possible right now or for likely a very long if at all.

Regarding the thread,

Here’s my take on a couple that are about 50/50 in opinion. For the signatures, that is a core element of forums to me. It is also a way of expressing myself, giving a profile a touch of uniqueness, individuality, and character. It allows total freedom for what you want. You can have ANY sprites you want, links to things, a statement about yourself, a funny poem, quote, a proverb, etc. It’s only a win in my opinion. (Edit: though I wouldn’t mind if there was a character limit, that’s no problem at all). I think the same applies to post count and badges, for which I am in favor.

Lastly, as for the @ function, I just feel like having it makes the place feel more like other websites, when I always viewed E4 as being the most unique place on the internet, especially for us Pokemon collectors. Plus, a lot of people don’t like clutter here, and that would be eliminating a redundant thing, no? The tag would still exist, and it would still be highlighted or colored.


@pfm Is it possible to have it at both the top AND bottom? And more importantly: same question for the edit button. A lot of times I want to edit the main post, and click on the ‘To top’-thingy at the top of the scrollbar, but then I have to scroll to the bottom of that top post in order to edit it.

If it’s possible, I’d prefer an edit button on both the top and bottom of a post. (And if only either option is possible, I’d prefer top for the edit button and bottom for likes personally.)



I appreciate the uniqueness of the signature line. My only concern is having a signature line in addition to the sprites will make each post too “big” for lack of a better term.

I also really enjoy the small icons for instagram, buy thread, collection thread, etc that have been implemented since the change. I think they’re super neat-o :nerd_face:


Since the first three questions seem to be the most contentious; I voted ‘No’ on each of them. However much I might vehemently and eternally dislike Infinite Scroll, I do appreciate the clean and minimal overall design of the site. I understand why people would want to customize their signatures, but I dislike the clutter this would introduce (which would be even worse with Infinite Scr- sorry, sorry, no beating on Infinite Scroll :zipper_mouth_face:). I’d trade the current sprite signatures for returning the badges though. I don’t much care about post counts either way, so I picked the option that saves the effort of re-implementing it.

Thanks for the input! I would say that allowing for something like 2 lines (1 for line, one for sprites?) would mitigate this. Everyone would win, and it wouldn’t be anymore cluttered. I feel like I’ve already seen a few people have 2 lines of sprites anyway (I could be mistaken but point still stands).

This way everyone would get the options they like, know whatta mean?

And if it were me, having this option wouldn’t have to take away from the icons near your name that you like. It’s all about options. I can envision having badges, post count, and those icons all in a neat bow. (they wouldn’t be all in the same spot of course)

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I think if we allowed text signatures it should be limited to one line of text. We should also have the ability to hide them if we don’t want to see them.


Is there a place to see all the sprites? I like looking at these