Poll: How many bubbles have you collected through?

Select each bubble that you have seen come and go (assume Pocket bubble if you are currently collecting).

  • 1999 Localization to USA Bubble
  • 2016 PokĂ©mon Go Bubble
  • 2020/2021 Covid / Lightly Played (Logan Paul) Bubble
  • 2022/2023 Japanese / Waifu Bubble
  • 2024 PokĂ©mon Pocket Bubble
0 voters

I think the 2014 goldstar bubble is worth including.

Also not sure I consider “pocket” a bubble but I can be wrong about this, don’t follow the market as closely.


Thanks, I wasn’t around for the gold star bubble so wasn’t sure what time frame that was.

I included the Pocket because of the massive increase in attention seemingly overnight.

I see @smpratte only selected 1999 which implies he doesn’t think the others were bubbles :scream:


I’m voting 1999 USA because I assume that’s where most of the crazy numbers in my norwegian magazines came from.

Been collecting since about 2005 to now! Didn’t really ever look at much market activity until 2020 though


I couldn’t figure out how to select multiple so I did the earliest one I experienced! :older_man:

Oh and the gold star bubble was 2014.


All the way. Of course I completely abandoned Pokémon during my teen years (2002/2014), and came back just in time to see vintage products lying around for 300 per box.

Been here for it all


Surviving 2-3 more of these should give me enough xp to reach my 1st stage evolution of GrandMaster Bubbles!



Unfortunatley for card collecting i came with the covid hype lol. Was always a huge fan of pokemon but the games and anime. Now i like to think that i have something to show for in/to the community but still technically im young to the hobby compared to alot of you guys on e4


Got back into collecting while visiting Japan and buying loads of 30 yen commons/unco from ex and DP/DPt era in 2023. I stopped collecting French around the time the first BW set aired, and I slowly start to appreciate the different rarities that came out throughout the differents generations


I agree. I remember when I started collecting this was talked about quite a lot but I never really understood it.
I doubt there are metrics that we have today that can definitively show the bubble.

Perhaps there are some threads here from ages past that discuss it :thinking:

I’d love to give those a read if anyone can find one!

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Exactly, I look at a lot of older threads and it’s been mentioned many times. In fact bubble (or bubblebath lol) discussions seem parallel with vintage v modern discussions- it’s always been there. Here’s a thread close to that time and here’s a more recent one.

To go down the rabbit hole, what is collecting? I honestly wouldn’t consider myself a dedicated collector until 2020.


Back in 2014 price charts didn’t exist, so there isn’t an easy way to look at data. The GS bubble was the first hype wave outside of the 90s boom. People wanted to complete the first psa 10 gold star set. When it was completed, that was considered when the bubble popped, as prices and hyped chilled.

In 2014 pokemon was much smaller in size and average discretionary income. Even if we had price charts, the bubble numbers would be absolute steals in todays market. Similar to the 80s sports boom, peak micky mantle or honus wagner prices then would be robbery today. Nonetheless it was a useful experience in hype that hadn’t happened since the 90s.


I started collecting around early 2023 so am relatively new. It was quite interesting to look at the prices of cards I wanted to buy, with so many of them having dropped significantly since 2021. Must’ve been a stressful time for people that collected or started collecting around 2020/2021 where the spikes are seen

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