Portuguese cards from Brazil

I am wondering if there are any Brazilian members who may be able to help myself and @Sleepingfatboi out to get some cards from Brazil.
apparently modern Portuguese cards are only released there now


There’s a bunch of Brazilian sellers on CardTrader for whatever reason. I bought a bunch of Portuguese Mites through them last month.

If you live in Europe, the occasional Portuguese card does pop up on Cardmarket, but it’s obviously not as consistent.


didnt get much luck on there sadly :frowning:

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Not sure if @mrmagicarpe is still active here but I know he’s gone to great lengths to find Portuguese cards and might have some connections.


He isn’t active on here anymore, but I got my Portuguese Staraptor cards with the help of rayquaza.br


Looks like he visited 7 days ago. @rayquazabrazil If you tag someone, they should get an email. That way they have the option to follow up if they wish to


Ill message them now :slight_smile:

Do you know when they stopped to sell cards in Portugal ? Because I went to Madeira island in 2022 and there were a lot of modern Portuguese booster packs in shops in Funchal (maybe these shops were importing cards from Brazil ?)

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They would have to be importing them as Portuguese is now printed in Brazil for Latin America. I believe this accepted just before swsh series

I really wish ligapokemon shipped worldwide

Hi, you can try contact the sellers in liga pokemon and ask to sell you the cards in the mercado livre website, i think they ship worlwide… if you whis, i can send you a WhatsApp group whit many brazilian sellers, and you can ask there for help too, send me pm

I’m part of a Facebook group and have talked to several sellers who’ve said they would help and then they stop responding lol

I can try messaging them on ligapokemon to sell on mercado livre. That’s a good idea, thanks

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