Prerelease Aerodactyl PSA 10 1st Edition Gold Stamp

Hi all!
Just wondering what you guys think the card in the title is worth? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time.


These don’t seem to pop up on ebay very often so it’s tough to say. There’s only 15 that got a 10 grade so pretty rare. One apparently sold on ebay recently for $500 and that seller has another one listed. That’s a pretty big gap between the 9 and 10 but given the pop it’s not too crazy.

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Also the gold stamp and the brown stamp were not differentiated in the pop report so the 15 PSA10s could be any of the two variants.

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Believe it or not, one actually sold for £63.99 here in the UK 2 months back. Talk about a deal.


Oh snap I didn’t know there were different stamps.

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Yeah, the difference is in the holofoil pattern. The gold stamp ones have the cosmo foil pattern while the brown stamp ones have the base set holo pattern(dont know whats that called, base set foil maybe??)


I believe it’s called galactic holo for the base set holo.

Thanks thats the one! Knew it was something like galaxy foil but thought that galaxy and cosmo are like the same thing so yeah. Thanks :blush:

I’m the seller that has them up on ebay, I sold one for 425 USD around 1 hour after I listed them. Didn’t know people were willing to pay that much for them to be honest, was quite surprised myself.

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Thank you everyone for your help!