Prerelease Clefable psa 9

So i just found one for 1200$. Its the most recently graded one in 2018. ill be honest im probably gona buy it to flip. Its a pop 9. Any idea of its resale value in todays market?

Probably in the $1800-2000 range. Of course more if there are a couple bidders going at it.

Last few sold at $1200-$1500

Prerelease clefables havent moved much compared to other graded wotc holos.

@sherotgc, good potential for long-term appreciation if you ask me

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Hold it. The market is pretty flooded right now for PR Clefable, I’ve been buying some because of this. You and I seem to have had the same idea, everyone thinking T17 is the hard grade, it’s child’s play compared to this card.


You have a pic of the back of the card?

Ive requested one from the seller and will get back to you when he replies

Any update on this? Kinda curious