Does anybody have an idea of price for a fan club magikarp psa 10?
Last one on ebay sold for $1800.
Does anyone have a psa 10 fan club Magikarp they want to part with. I am offering $2,200 for it…
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Most considered this a “weak” 10
I sold the copy before that on eBay for $2200, and PokemonPacific sold one privately for $2300 a couple months ago.
OP you’ll probably have to offer 2500 at the least if you want to fish ones out of collections
Edit: especially with Eevee and Porygon on the rise, this’ll bring Magikarp up too
I could come up a little if it gets it done. I would also consider a psa 9 at $1,300
I’d be happy with a weak 10 too…