Does anyone know the value of the only PSA 9 Portugese Unlimited Base Set Charizard ?
There are also none at 10, im not sure about BGS.
Does anyone know the value of the only PSA 9 Portugese Unlimited Base Set Charizard ?
There are also none at 10, im not sure about BGS.
@charchu someone is enquiring about your card
Are you selling or buying?
@chok I am searching for one as well! lol
I am looking to pay around 450-500 for one of those but, there really isn’t a price to go off by since last time I checked it’s POP 1 and the guy who has it is not selling it.
@charchu I thought you own the only one. Just checked, still a POP 1. no 10s.
Haha I wish I did. I would love it if the owner would sell it to me but he won’t yet~
I’m sure you’ll find one man. Its super niche where you are heading. Best of luck!