Price Check: PSA 9 Scizor Neo Discovery Holo 1st

What have these been going for recently? I lost an auction for one the other day that sold for $200ish. Looks like it was was one of the very few that sold on eBay the last few months.

I picked up mine in December for $50 in an eBay auction, but I suppose that cannot be considered “recently”. All the Neo holos keep selling for record prices at the moment, so it is probably going to be difficult to find one for less than $200 right now. Maybe more will become available in the future which could decrease the price again. However, it is difficult to give a robust price check on anything currently.


Am I the only one who doesn’t understand the purpose of price check threads?

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@pokehut1 , It’s valid right now because prices are fluctuating quite a lot right now. Neo cards have seen a recent spike, so going off of eBay sold listings can be misleading by a wide margin.

Case and Point: Bought a 1st edition neo Genesis steelix for 60 bucks 2 weeks ago… another one sold on Ebay at auction for over 200 dollars last week.

As for Scizor, over 200 right now is probably fair and nothing less than 150 will sit for long.

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But what’s the point? The going rate is the going rate. You can’t predict prices.

Im kind of with @pokehut1 in not really understanding the idea of a price thread, but in the sense of asking to see what the going rates are I can see it making sense.

Thats being said though, as you stated @towertycoon, it seems that the last sale of one prior to the auction a few days ago was a while back, so id say the asking price would be whatever you see one for coupled with whatever youd be willing to pay. Last sold in that auction for about 224, so theres a figure to work with for now.

Also, sorry about that (I one that one from pwcc :blush: ). Finished my complete psa 9 1st edition holos of neo discovery!


Haha that’s the one! Congrats on completing the set. I made this because I was curious if they were selling in the same range outside of eBay as well. Also, I recently joined the forum and saw other threads like this in here so I just thought I’d make one too.

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