I’ve looked through the search feature here and through the sold listings on ebay. There are none currently listed for sale and there are none sold in the last 3 months. I realize that unlimited cards don’t even hold a candle to first ed in terms of value. Does anyone have any insight as to what the market value of one of these would be? Thanks for your help!
I sold two recently just under 300.00
I’ve sold two between 6-14 months ago for $380 and $410, the price has gone down a tad since. Gary’s more recent sales figures seem right on
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Last ebay sale is $315 back in March, so I agree with the $300-ish valuation.
@wolffy68 PSA have this fantastic feature you can use. It’s not always 100% reliable, but it allows you to see older ebay prices that don’t show up in sold listings. Auction Prices Realized
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I appreciate you sharing the knowledge!