Sup u guys,
I just bought this beautiful Call of Legends Prerelease Staff Snorlax. It has a gold stamp on the holo. Its graded a psa 9.
I looked it up and it is a pop 1 and no 10’s exist (for now).
Its very hard to find information about it. How rare is it? And do any of you know How Many exist approx.
I Paid around 60 bucks for it.
Since it’s Pop 1 then the value is what you paid for it. The next value will be how much you sell it for.
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That sounds right, but If its a High printed promo card that no one bother grading - therefore pop 1 - i overpaid for a Nice looking card. Not that it matters.
The only information is that it was given to event holders in 2011.
It could be 50, 500 or 5000 pieces xD
Staff versions of any pre release card are a minimum to the standard card ‘every one’ at a pre release obtains. Hence the variation of Staff. A hanfull to the 100’s. Having said that, any price comes down to certain conditions. Supply, demand and the attributes of a card. While supply maybe minimal for this particular card I would assume the demand for it is also low. As it is not a promo card, who is hunting for a set of pre release cards? Who wants a pre release snorlax and are they willing to pay any added premium for a staff version? Absolute complete Call of Legends master set? Snorlax specific collector? I think all of these are in the minimum… Still a nice card and find though!
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I am actually collecting for COL and was looking for this card (loose - without PSA) for my binder collection. I have not seen any loose staff versions for sale at all lately. What is the best way to find one? Is anyone selling them?
Posts in threads with a last post of over two months ago are against the rules. @toolshrink
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