It’s prime time!
Gotta think more will be graded and some 9s would regrade as 10s
I heard Leonhart dips every Rare Candy slab in his used bath water
I didn’t know that people actually used Rare Candy. I’ve only ever heard shady side comments about it.
I didn’t even realize it was sold on rare candy. Wonder if anything g fishy was going on
EX CARDS no good
Can these topic titles be more specific?
Did it actually get paid for?
I gotta say, feel pretty good buying 9s rn
edit: damn looks like i overpaid compared to last sold XD
tfw two bots get into a shill war 🫨
Ended for 20801rmb (3010 usd)
Its almost like the trend is if you want a rare set card, let the first auction go high and lose - then swoop in for the inevitable lower second auction and win
Is there any specific website for Pokecolor auctions? I saw his IG posts but I can’t find it. Thank you
Chinese Marketplace. To use it you need to have chinese phone number or a direct link of the page.