There is one PSA 10 mew southern island in ebay selling for $24,500usd… have not seen recent sold listing.
Does it really worth that price? What do you think it’s the reasonable price?
There is one PSA 10 mew southern island in ebay selling for $24,500usd… have not seen recent sold listing.
Does it really worth that price? What do you think it’s the reasonable price?
Do I think its worth it? No way
Does it matter what I think? No
Thank you for your prompt response
Still new at collecting card market here. Got into collecting about 10months ago so still learning all other cards price.
Gorgeous card from a gorgeous set, but not worth 24,500.
There are 76 PSA 8, 128 PSA 9 and 18 PSA 10 of this card (222 cards total). Assuming you pull nothing below an 8 from the Southern Islands binder (which has a guaranteed Mew inside), you have an 8.1% chance to pull a 10. So to get a guaranteed 10, you’d have to buy 13 sealed binders on average. You can find sealed binders for roughly $1000 right now, so AT MOST the card would be worth $13,000. Needless to say that this doesn’t mean that people would be paying $13,000 in the first place when the PSA 9 recently sold for $250.
It’s just an asking price.
There’s no doubt it will be a very expensive card because it’s very low pop relative to the set (only Togepi has a lower pop) and Mew is a very popular Pokemon. It’s also artwork that people really appreciate.
Even with all those factors, based on prices I have seen for other recent Southern Islands PSA 10 cards, I think Mew selling for more than $5k would seem a little excessive. But I don’t doubt that whatever it sells for next will be a new record price.
Thank you so much for your input… just hard to grasp the price nowadays as price move too quick hard for me (Newbie) to keep up…
Thank you so much for your calculation and explanation. Can’t imagine people would pay $13k for the card but again… Rayquaza gold star ends with $19k…
My understanding is that for vintage tcg players, this card is really playable, which likely contributes to the low pop of mint examples. Even when I was looking to get a PSA 9, available copies seemed to be few and far between, despite them popping up around $60 when they did. This was the first or second week of January.
@sapphireblue89, a big difference between Ray Star and SI Mew is that ex deoxys booster boxes are nearly non-existent, and even if you get one, you can’t be sure to pull a Ray, and even if you pull it, it’s not a guaranteed 10. So buying sealed product for Ray is not an option because you would spend even more than 20k on sealed product to pull it.
However, I do agree that the price for Rayquaza is overblown. But that’s more of a personal feeling, because personally I’d never ever spend over 10k on a set card (and that includes Base Charizard). In reality, it’s more likely that there will be a buyer eventually, and other Gold Stars will follow. Right now there’s a Charizard Star PSA 10 for sale for $30k. I pray to god it doesn’t find a buyer.
It is only worth $24,000 if someone decides to buy the card at that price. Even then, the next one may not sell at $24,000.
As of today the maximum I have spend on a card is $7k but saying that I am still shock that I’ve spend that much on a piece of cardboard.
My rational side thinking what are you doing, you are making a big mistake!
The other side feeling like kid in a candy shop soooo happy to own a piece of my childhood dreams!
Still feel the chills when I see my cards lol… treating them like my babies.
In conclusion, life is too short do whatever makes you happy lol
The buyer would be a lucky guy if the card really did sold for that price @.@
For reference, the past couple public sales have been in the $2500-3000 range.
Great answer!
Can you copy the ebay listing here? I can’t seem to find it. I just put mine up on ebay (PSA 10) but I definitely didn’t put it for $24,000 US. That seems pretty qild.
Interesting. Can’t seem to find it when I search ebay and my PSA 10 Mew isn’t getting many views must have something off when setting up the listing.
Are you in the USA? If not, and this seller only ship to the USA it won’t show up in your search.
that makes sense. I am in Canada. Still thought i’d have more traction on the card since I’m willing to ship to the US. Haven’t sold enough clearly. Tried to fix some settings so hopefully that works.
I was able to see yours (7k usd?), not sure why others don’t