Psa 9 shadowless or Psa 10 base set

Recently completed collecting all first edition jungle and fossil holos in Psa 9 , now I’m wanting to collect all base set holos was wondering people’s thoughts on whether to collect unlimited Psa 10 or shadowless Psa 9 , what do people think is rarer

Although I’m a big supporter of “Why not Both?”, to answer your question the shadowless set would be considered rarer since it was on a shorter print run. After the 1st edition print run of the Base set, it went through a limited shadowless print run before it was changed to add the shadow (unlimited). And in regards to what PSA grade you should get, it would be whatever is in your price point.

that’s a pretty close call value wise. Right now I’d give the edge to Unl PSA 10s cause they look nicer in the cases with the updated artwork and a 10 IS a 10;)

Agree with you here, same view point. Also welcome to the forum :blush:

Yes bobby stokes. Welcome to the forum. Looking forward to your contributions.

Thanks for the replies I believe the Psa population is very similar between the two aswell tough decision!