I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience using PSA’s custom encapsulation service.
I just sent off two Expedition FPO cards to be encapsulated (since PSA no longer grades them) but I can’t find any information about turnaround times. PSA doesn’t give a range on their form.
I previously got the entire 8 card set custom encap’d + 5 spare cards as well. From last check though, I believe they no longer will encase these, even with the green label.
Turn around time wasn’t super long [unsure of exact time-frame]
Wow, thanks for the quick answers! I knew they stopped grading them - but I didn’t know they stopped encapsulating them period. Bummer, since they’re in such great condition. Oh well.
@crystalho-oh let us know if they do encapsulate it or not. From what many people say from their personal experience, psa doesn’t encapsulate these cards. But who knows, u might be the lucky one!
Yeah let us know what happens. I don’t think anyone has tried in awhile. But with all the new stuff PSA is doing they might slab it. ( If they do I’m sending mine in A S A P )
I really hope they encapsulate them, not only because I spent an obscene amount on shipping and insurance, but mainly for the purpose of keeping them safe in the years to come.
First off, thanks to everyone who commented and offered their knowledge on this matter. Sadly, the cards were neither graded nor encapsulated. Upon arriving to PSA, the order was placed ‘on hold’, so I gave them a call and the very nice customer service rep told me exactly what you guys did - that these cards were no longer eligible for custom encapsulation. They then asked me if I wanted to upgrade to a grading service. I figured I’d give it a shot. Who knows, right? Based on their value I was upgraded to the Express Service, so the turnaround time was pretty quick, 8 business days. I held out hope, but the result was what I expected…
The rep recommended an upgrade because ‘custom encapsulation’ was not available for these particular cards - I don’t think they knew PSA wouldn’t grade them.
So you think custom encapsulation would add substantially to an ungradeable cards value? Not to me but I can see how that perception could exist in other people’s minds.