PSA Finally Recognizes Aerodactyl PRERELEASE Cosmos Holo

Hello everyone,

After two and a half months of back and forth with PSA, I was able to convince them to recognize a new variant from the Fossil set. I’m pleased to announce that PSA is finally recognizing the Cosmos Holo variant of Aerodactyl! They also retroactively went back and edited the population report so the population report label is now accurate.

If you already have this variant slabbed you should now be able to submit a label correction request and get the corrected label free of charge.

Cheers, and happy collecting! :blush:


About time. As far as I’m aware they already acknowledge the cosmos zapdos from the deck and the cosmos machamp from its deck. There’s 3 things I’m holding out for now. 1999-2000 Base, 1999-2000 Fossil, and putting no rarity venusaur/raichu back on the menu.

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Oh neat! I’ve had one of each for a while now, but it’s cool that it’s now officially recognized.

Would I have to be the one that originally got it slabbed to get the label corrected for free? Or can I send in a slab that I purchased from someone else?

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Interesting, mine is a cosmos holo variant but running the cert number tells me PSA thinks it isn’t.

That’s awesome


Seems wonky to me… Like now you have 353 cards out there with the wrong label?

Can someone post a picture of the cosmos variant? Don’t think I’ve seen this before.

I don’t think it was that they were mislabeled - the distinction didn’t exist before now. Based on what labels were available, they were labelled “correctly”, as far as PSA knew.

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I didn’t realize the prelrease version had different holo variants. Very cool.

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Right, they weren’t mislabeled before, but they are mislabeled now that the distinction is made

You can send in a slab that you purchased from someone else :blush:

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Here’s a guide I made a while ago that shows all of the different versions :blush:


To give some more background to this they used to have two labels in the system, one was “Aerodactyl 1st Edition Prerelease” and the second was “Aerodactyl Holo 1st Edition Prerelease”. The first label erroneously omitted the fact that the card was holo but it seems that PSA changed that label to now be the Cosmos label. They always had wrong cards in both of these categories so it can’t be fixed until people submit their cards to the correct label :slightly_frowning_face:

@JoshsOddCollection - Is there any idea of which one is harder to obtain? Regarding the holo pattern. I believe mine is the cosmos pattern.

I believe that the Cosmos holo is more rare, but I’ll need to do some analysis by going through every listing that PSA has in its sale history. I don’t know what the difference was between their releases, but that’s a gap in knowledge that I plan to fill this weekend :blush:

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I guess you’ll have to send it in for a label correction :tada:

Good to see they have the time for this but can’t grade a card from last May.


Are you European? If I remember correctly the cosmo foil Aerodactyl (alternative name is gold stamp) was a European release. Generally European releases are smaller than USA releases. Ofcourse correct me if I’m wrong somewhere.

@assassin5757 - No. Bought mine already graded from a US seller.

It’s a different team from the actual graders, but I understand the sentiment :blush:

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Which is cosmos? Brown or Gold stamp?