PSA has service level based on the value of the card.
$499 value @ $20 per card graded
$999 value @ $50 per card graded
If I have one card above the value I declared it automatically wants me to pay $50 per card - even though the rest are worth under $499.
My question is if I submit for example 50 cards at once and one the cards value is over $2,500 will they now charge all my grading per card at $200 each and send me a bill to continue grading. If so, is it better to make different submissions. Pokemon card prices are all over the place these days, very hard to say what the value is.
I am also interested in this discussion, particularly because I have about 30-40 of the same card, all in near perfect condition from my eye, and am not sure how I should submit them for grading. If all PSA 10’s they would all be valued at about $500. As much as I want to believe they will all be 10’s, I know better.
What would you guys do, submit them 10 at a time? Submit at once? At highest insurance level? I need some guidance here.
The most important thing is card placement. I use a Fibonacci Sequence placement for my 10 quality cards within my PSA submissions. I tried it once and got a lot of 10s so I exclusively use it now and nothing will stop me. I also find it’s best to vary your submissions with the moon phase. We all know that during the waning crescent phase, PSA graders are harsher. To avoid this, I usually find that sending the submission on the day after a full moon is ideal. However, you also want to be sure that your service level selected does not allow the cards to be subject to more than 100 high tides in Los Angeles, which basically eliminates bulk as an option. PSA has recently entered the 47xxx cert range as well, which in combination with a high service level, leads to exceptionally harsh grades. However, this is counteracted by PSA giving out higher grades at the standard rate of 1 point per additional $50 paid in grading fees. You need to hit that sweet spot to guarantee the top grades. It’s hard, but I have faith in you.
Well yea, obviously Fibnoacci plays his part but you have to factor in the Fermi Paradox. We don’t know for sure if the graders are actually “of this planet” and even if they are, extraterrestrials will be communicating with different spectrum of light to even send their official grades to the PSA machine. But what i’m afraid of most, and this is where things get really complicated, is when they attempt to communicated a grade back to us via interstellar light and rather than land as a grade, the light hits one of my 2000 Movie Promo Ancient Mew’s directly and creates a worm hole that all of our cards at PSA get sucked into. “Sigh” I’d better sleep on this one.
Don’t overthink things. The only thing I do is split them up so I have the opinion of more than one grader. Other than that not much advice to give, so do what you want. They’re going to go to the grader, the grader will put their opinion to it, you’ll get your cards back.
If PSA will just contact you to pay additional fees, why does their online service charge you the same price as the highest value for all cards submitted? Insurance and price levels can easily be incorporated into their online submission forms.
Also I am seeing bulk submissions priced at around $10 (even third parties) but there doesn’t seem to be any option to use that service on their website to complete an order. Reading online(other sites) it says buy their membership levels. On their actually site it says call them for bulk ordering.
Don’t know why they can’t be clear on their website.