PSA Grading if you're not in US?

Hello! I’m new here and I was just wondering what are the options to send my cards to PSA from Singapore? Those who aren’t staying in US, do you go through an agent or send the cards directly to PSA? Thanks! (:

I’m from Europe and personally use Ludkins Collectibles, a PSA middleman service located in the UK (and also in the US since last year).

I also know a PSA facility recently opened in Japan.

But for people outside of the US, Europe, or Japan I’m not sure how to go about sending them to PSA. I assume you’ll have to directly ship to PSA in that case, although it can of course be pretty pricy if you’re only sending in a few cards. Maybe someone else living closer to you might know an alternative. I know there are quite a few collectors from Australia on the forum, so I wonder how they send their cards to PSA.

I’m sure you’re not the first one sending in cards to PSA from around your part of the world, though. When I send in some cards to BGS a few months back I used a middleman in Finland to help me out. He had a subscription with BGS, and offered to middleman cards for other people in Europe (although mostly from Finland itself, since I was the first Dutch guy to send to him :blush: ). Perhaps there is also a middleman person like that for PSA in Singapore or a country nearby?

Sorry I couldn’t be of better help. Maybe someone else shims in with some more concrete advice.


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I live in Australia and send submissions to psa grading directly

I send about 4 submissions a year using bulk service.

For me, it turns out to be fairly cheaper than any middleman service i have access to.

Pm me if you want to pick my brain.

Happy collecting.


Thanks for your input guys!

@1by1collector, will definitely PM you if I need your help in the near future. Just started to collect so I was wondering about grading too! (:

Thanks again nice people! (:

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Ludkins USA takes submissions internationally and can cut you a rate lower than direct. From this forum alone, I know we service Australia, Malaysia, Canada, Mexico, and Israel.

Happy to help you and anyone else in this thread that wants to reduce what they’re paying. PSA international return shipping can be harsh when you go direct.