PSA is now recognizing and grading the following errors. How will this affect the market?
CGC sweatin’
Glad they finally made the change!
Definitely going to help them IMO. I think this is a smart and necessary change to compete and stay relevant in this market. Plenty of people like PSA for grading but want their error cards to be documented within the slab. Now they no longer have to look elsewhere (like CGC for example).
Good move
Great for the people that are wedded to PSA, but too little, too late on the whole.
PSA have only done this because they’ve been pressured to, not because of any innovation, so you know they’ll half-arse it and only recognise some errors, and not others (plus squish even more text on the labels).
If I had these cards, and they were already graded by PSA, I’d crack and send just to have the error on the label. IDGAF about the cost, it looks cooler with the error on it.
After having such a strong stance against grading errors before I don’t even know how to feel about this other than annoyed. I can almost guarantee that I’ve talked to PSA about grading errors more than anybody else on this forum and now they’re essentially going back on everything that they previously believed in regarding errors.
I guess they were finally pushed enough by CGC that they decided it was necessary. Glad to see they’re waking up and realizing that errors are significant, but as others have said, too little too late. They already left a bad taste in my mouth, and I don’t plan on using them, even after this change.
How is this possibly being seen as a negative? The grade company tribalism is so weird.
It’s about time! So glad to see this
I assume you’re responding to me. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, competition in the market is great for consumers. I’m just bitter that after all the work I put into getting PSA to recognize errors and being told no they decided to change their mind. I just wish they would have listened before I started collecting CGC cases cause I want my entire collection to be uniform and it’s too late to go back now
rent free
100% reading my mind
CGC has done errors the correct way. They actually reached out to error collectors in the hobby and also hired people who understand the card printing process. There is no arbitrary criteria to which cards can be slabbed as error (or at least way less arbitrary than PSA). The CGC label is pretty trash from a design perspective IMO but it’s clear that thought has been put to accommodate the error text whereas PSA can’t accommodate another letter. Recognizing 1-off errors is also very important to error collectors.
PSA instead focuses on documented releases. Maybe it should stay that way. This ham-fisted attempt to try to peel away some CGC error collectors is just sad. I realize the market is bigger than me but personally I could not think of a less exciting “error” than the black dot charizord. It’s virtually a meme. But now they set a standard that a black dot is sufficient for it’s own label. Will my Marilyn Monroe T17 also get a black dot label?
I’m rambling a bit but I just have a lot of different thoughts on the matter
Awesome! It’s about time!
No, rent expensive. Rent more expensive because inflation. Inflation bad.
…I have no idea what this conversation is?
Nice I am thinking of regrading my CGC Gym Challenge Blaine’s Charizard corrected symbol tp PSA… technically not an error (actually the reverse) but want to see that in the label …there is no error but… we should also praise when pokemon do it right, right ?!??
The frustration isn’t lost with me. Few people have pushed longer with psa than myself to get cards graded. The early years, 2008-2014, I was the go to for getting many prize and obscure cards logged in the registry.
The reason given for errors was just not having the necessary knowledge, which I always said, “then go get it”. I guess I’m just more a glass half full person and happy they finally prioritized error cards!
It’s hard to not take it personal at times when you’ve felt you’ve gone over and beyond to try and get something done, and it didn’t work out at the time. As a business owner, I always put aside feelings and it’s just business so to speak. It may have not been something they were interested in doing at the time, but it makes business sense now. If anything, applaud yourself that YOU were part of the process that helped get this changed. They heard your voice. Pat yourself on the back.
Rant free?
I think the frustration is rooted in the fact the @JoshsOddCollection 's voice was not actually heard and instead it was the appeal of taking market share from CGC that likely moved this needle. At least, that’s one possible interpretation
elitefourum user “mightymax” is implying that PSA “lives rent free in your head” to suggest PSA is still winning because they occupy your thoughts so much they motivated you to post a rant.