Purchasing Cards UK - TCGPlayer ALT's?

Hello all,
Im fairly new to Pokemon and tried to buy cards off TCG player just to realise they don’t ship to the uk.
What websites do people use to buy single cards that s trustworthy and not extortionate prices like ebay.
I’ve recently used CardMarket but i don’t like not seeing pics of the cards so buying bulk doesn’t sit right with me entirely. You either go to a big seller and pay above the market price or go to smaller sellers and take a little risk with it.
Any help on the matter will mean a lot. i’m not looking to buy 50 pound cards atm but would like to get cards that I personally think will rise in due time.
Thanks for taking the time to read this :slight_smile:

CardMarket or CardTrader is what I would recommend.

At a certain point there is a trade-off. You can’t expect to pay low prices and also get pictures of every card. If pictures are a requirement then the next best option is probably ebay.


very true PFM, i’ll be sure to bare that in mind.
I appreciate the honesty and ill be sure to check out card trader now.
Thanks for your help and all the best <3

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Depending on the value of the cards, it may make financial sense to ship from TCGplayer to a middleman service in the states like ShipMyCards. Whether its worth it would probably be a case by case basis though.

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I never knew that was a thing, definitely something I should look in to, the cards are half the price over in the US compared to the UK for the most of it so I wouldn’t mind paying more on delivery for a big bulk order. I appreciate your help Thurco <3

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