PWCC - Extended bid information

Hi all! I’ve started selling a few things on PWCC and found it a little annoying that it’s not incredibly clear from the website when your items have new bids or how much you’re raking in before the auction window is over. I wrote an incredibly simple script which adds a little information and sharing it here in case anyone cares to use it. It’s scrappy and I have no intention of making it less scrappy. But it’s simple to use and does what it does, so if you find use please feel free. You’ll need something like Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey (this is for desktop only, not mobile app). Once you have it, you can install the script by clicking here.

For those who care, it sets a single cookie which tracks your bid prices and on a new page load compares the current prices against the cookie value. If it’s changed, you’ll see on your selling page.

Preview of what it looks like:


  1. “Totals” added under the “Current Bid” and “Seller Net” cells.
  2. Any items with a new bid will be pushed to the top and you’ll see the previous price crossed out in red with the new price.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Not to undermine some of your work but I believe you can see totals if you choose the specific week


It won’t show updated bids though

I think it only shows it after the auction has closed though? But for me I like seeing the new bids mainly so I can see what people are bidding on. Honestly this is generally useless unless you’re constantly looking at your auctions (which I tend to since my job has been boring me).

Specific solutions for specific problems