QotD: Youre a daring member of Team Rocket trying to get away with a poke-bank heist. You need a critical thinking mastermind, an intimidating persuader, a lock picker, and a get-away driver. Which Pokemon fit the role to succeed?

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Today’s Question:
QotD: Youre a daring member of Team Rocket trying to get away with a poke-bank heist. You need a critical thinking mastermind, an intimidating persuader, a lock picker, and a get-away driver. Which Pokemon fit the role to succeed? (this was a suggested question)

Helpful Considerations: Hypno? Mewtwo? Zubat? Revaroom?


Alakazam is the mastermind, Tyranitar is the muscle, grafaiai is the lock expert, revaroom is the getaway, also a mareep for disguises and distraction.


Cacturne: Former military, weapons designer, highly intelligent, considered dangerous by the FBI, on Interpol’s secret watch list

Magcargo: Former military, expert driver, served in the same SFOD as Cacturne, divorced, arrested multiple times for drunk driving and affray

Sableye: Locksmith by trade, suspected involvement in one of the biggest diamond heists of the 21st century, suspected involvement in at least two assassinations in South Africa, considered a lone wolf by Homeland and the NSA

Electrode: Bodyguard turned hitman, Magcargo’s second cousin, connections to La Cosa Nostra, known for using electrocution as a mob interrogator for hire, acquitted for the murder of two IRS officials, banned from entering Panama



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The answer is Alakazam.

5000 IQ mastermind.
Psychic influence/mind control.
Telekinesis to auto unlock doors.
Teleport away.



mastermind: Xatu
persuader: Gardevoir
lock picker: Klefki
get-away driver: Revavroom


Koffing the critical thinking mastermind
Ekans the intimidating persuader
Electrode the lockpicker
Zubat the get-away driver

No explanation :crazy_face:


I’m still quite shaken about the playtest saga but i’m desperately trying to get back in my collecting routines and i’m still determined to answer every qotd. As the poke-bank heist is precise work i want zero unexpected things to happen so i would keep the crew in minimum and only choose the trusted and faithful muk for the job, and it truly is the perfect fit:

Living mainly in sewers and team rocket grunt line-ups muk has probably been in every criminal and shady meeting you can imagine and is a self-taught mastermind to form any crime needed.

With that smell you don’t need words to persuade anyone, they will do anything just to get that reek further from them.

With harden learned slime can fill every keyhole and then solidify to make a perfect lock picker.

And no need for a get-away car. Have you seen the gifs where muk greets Ash again after not seeing him for ages. I would just hop on the back on muk and let it run since that thing is fast


I feel like Alakazam is the clear pick for mastermind, but Slowking would be my backup choice.

Giratina seems pretty persuasive! If legendary/mythical Pokemon aren’t allowed, give me Tyranitar.

Lock picker: Klefki

Getaway driver: Part of me wants to say Mr. Mime, but I feel like that would be a hilarious failure when it brings a fake car! So my real answer would be Speed Forme Deoxys or Garchomp if legendary/mythical Pokemon aren’t allowed.

Bonus pick; Ditto for infiltration

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Mastermind - Malamar . Though Allakazam clearly has the IQ. Malamar has the brains and ego

Persuader- Darkrai - After all it’s a nightmare!

Lock pick- Greninja - Fast agile, lethal.trained in the ancient arts second choice would be Joltic . Small enough to slip into anywhere

Getaway - Pidgeot One of the fastest Pokemon out there.


  • Mastermind: Alakazam, same as most other answers
  • Intimidating Persuader: Machamp, tall and four muscular arms. Onix/Steelix were also a consideration, but they’re a bit too big for a bank heist. Darkrai is also intimidating by nature and an option.
  • Lock pick: Klefki. I know the keys on its body are random, but I’m just gonna pretend they’re all master keys for every situation.
  • Getaway: Abra. Why drive, when you can just teleport away.



On the flip side, assuming I was recruited into the Team Rocket gang at a young age and later wanted a way out by failing so hard at this mission that they’d have no choice but to let me go based on pure stupidity, my team would be:

Critical Thinking Mastermind: Psyduck
Intimidating Persuader: Mime Jr
Lockpicker: Spinda
Driver: Slakoth


Props for the backstory.

A few others have noted klefki, seems like a good choice. I’ll try and buck some trends

I’m gonna switch out alakazam to spot 2. A porygon 2 will be my mastermind. It’s a (super?)computer. Z has stability issues they say make it impossible for use with research

And ima say a spoon bending genius is an intimidating choice who is also persuasive. Like being caught in a political intrigue show with the “chessmaster” type. That type of intimidating.

I’d use magcargo to melt the lock. Maybe that’s cheating.

I’d use meowth with a booster seat and pedal extenders cuz speaking with my getaway driver seems important


Mastermind - Alakazam
Persuader - Rockets Talking Meowth
Lock Picker - Mr Mime
Get Away Driver - Blastoise


Mastermind: Mewtwo

Intimidating Persuader: Tyranitar

Lock Picker: Rotom

Getaway Driver: Dragonite


Very team rocket esque team!

Perhaps not my first choices, but after mulling it over, I think this could work:

Mastermind: Pecharunt. Perhaps not the brainiest itself, but a little bit of mochi could persuade a litany of brainier mons to selflessly help without compensation.

Muscle: Okidogi. This one I think is pretty self explanatory.

Locksmith: Munkidori. If it is unable to pick/ steal the lock itself, it’ll simply force an employee to open the vault.

Get-away: Fezandipity. It’ll seduce any law enforcement to leave us be. Plus, I’m sure we’ll have a glamorous escape vehicle with it at the driver’s seat.