Question about buying sealed product

I’d like to collect sealed 1st edition base set product but don’t know what to do. Booster boxes are more than I’d like to spend and all loose packs are weighed so they’d be impossible to resell in the future. I can assume blister packs are weighed as well.
Is there any other way of getting sealed product that is impossible to weigh?

1st edition base set packs sell extreme well, weighed or not

I’m also not sure if the blisters can be reliably weighed, as a product gets harder to weigh as you add more packaging to it

genuine sealed 1st ed base booster boxes are the only 100% sure way to get unweighed packs though

So 1st edition was only distributed in boxes and blisters?
I just want a few packs, like 5 or 6. Do you know anyone who sells blisters?

You could just buy advertised weighed product and sell it as weighed.

Yes only blisters and boxes

Ebay is your best bet for blisters, they’re very scarce though, and their price will reflect that if they do pop up for sale