Question of the Day Archive

Welcome to the Question of the Day Archive!

As we continue getting questions daily there is a need to catalog them all in case any member wishes to go back and answer any previous questions they may have missed. Can you believe there are so many? Have you answered them all?

If you have suggestions, the Question of the Day Suggestions? topic is the place to put them. No guarantee they will be used though.

The Question of the Day is a way to facilitate community discussion to help members ponder the unanswered questions of the world that are somehow relating to the hobby. Questions are many times open ended and up to interpretation.

Day 1&2: If you could design your dream car but it had to be themed to a pokemon, what would it look like and does it have any interesting features?
Day 1&2: You get to be the pokemon creation god for a split second and can change ONE thing about a not traditionally popular pokemon, literally can be anything from looks to a stat in the game, what pokemon is it and what do you change?
Day 3: What is your ideal pack ripping experience?
Day 4: When is it too much?
Day 5: What would a 1/1 card need to have to make you collect it?
Day 6: Argh! Bill has made a terrible mistake and you’ve been involved! You get ONE unique Pokemon feature switched onto your body forever, what is it and what Pokemon is it from?
Day 7: You’ve found yourself on a plane with a drunk Sugimori. The bet is to draw one Pokemon completely from memory and if all the features are correct it will be made into a card. What pokemon are you most confident drawing by memory? (Also try it now)
Day 8: Which Pokemon would be most appropriate to narrate your life?
Day 9: What was the best glitch you found while playing the games?
Day 10: What Pokemon needs power creep to happen?
Day 11: Why hasn’t your favorite Pokemon gotten the attention they truly deserve?
Day 12: What Pokemon are being used for the official pokedollar designs?
Day 13: Which one Pokemon would you delete completely from all media and why?
Day 14: If you ran a Pokemon equivalent of Jurassic Park, what would your main attraction be?
Day 15: What is your favorite type of Pokeball?
Day 16: