Question regarding a Pokemon Cosmos Holofoil Fossil card purchase

So I was shopping to add to my collection today and came across several WoTC fossil holos that were not the normal star holos, but the new Cosmo holo that started with Base Set 2. I was wondering why that is and if there were reprints of these cards?

Here are the cards in question:

As I am currently only interested in the Cosmo holofoil and not the old star holo pattern I wanted to see where I might find more of these cards, if anyone had any information.


The cards in the photos are very rare; honestly I didn’t think they existed at all. Most if not all of the galaxy holo type cards were printed in a foreign language like French, Italian, Spanish, etc. The only other widely know galaxy type holo from the english fossil set is Zapdos from the Tempest Theme deck, printed with 1999-2000 dates on the bottom. Do you have more information about the cards in the photos such as where the owner might have obtained them?

This is a nice discovery. Hope you bought them!

Are there Base set holo cards with cosmos foil besides Machamp?

No I didn’t ask unfortunately. The card shop I got them from was in a small town here in WA state and they really didn’t have a lot of Pokemon singles. My guess is someone in that town sold them.

They have 1 more card like that there that I didn’t buy and I plan to go back and buy it soon. It was a Fossil Moltres.


Yup! Bought all except the Fossil Moltres that he had. Going back to buy that soon.

Maybe that is the case. I had hoped to find more out there but it seems like these are very very rare.

The base set Machamp you refer to actually comes in the Base set 2 starter deck, that’s why it was printed with cosmos holofoil. I bought that deck to start playing with my fiancé.

So I got a few more!

Thought I would share:

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Jesus, now you HAVE to get the set.

I know TheCharizardAuthority had a few of these holos up on ebay for a big asking price. I’m not sure if they ever sold. Anyway, they’re extremely rare. TheCharizardAuthority’s listing on ebay and your thread are the only times I’ve heard/seen of these cards.

Dude, you hit the jackpot.

Sick, I managed to snag up a cosmo foil Zapdos myself a while back. Got it in a card shop that sells random Pokemon cards. Great find!

Looking for em! Really want to get at least Haunter and Kabutops… But not seeing them anywhere.

I looked on his eBay account for more… He has the Zapdos but nothing further. If he still has more of them I would be willing to buy them.

If you send him a message on eBay he will usually respond within a few days - he’s also on E4 but doesn’t check that as often so eBay is the way to go. He doesn’t always have everything listed, so it doesn’t hurt to ask if he has more he’d be up for selling.

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These are the 4 mentioned above. Thanks for the tag!

Very cool to see more of these come up. Fossil is such an interesting set


Are you looking to sell these cards at all? Since I bought a fair amount and you have the ones I really want I would love to purchase them if you are willing to sell.


If anyone has a zapdos one they’d sell I’ll happily buy it for the zapdos collection!

There are some on eBay. Just search Zapdos fossil holo 1999-2000 and it should pop up!

Ah thanks mate! I had a look just didn’t know what to search for haha