Quick questions - jpn EX Deoxys booster

Hello guys,

I’ve got one quick question - do you know what’s the price of Japanese 1st edition EX Deoxys (Clash of the Blue Sky) booster pack? I couldn’t find those boosters anywhere, I checked completed listings on eBay, I also checked sites like Pokevault etc…


Usually you can find the EX Deoxys (Clash of the blu sky) booster packs on Yahoo!Japan for 800/1800yen each.

Thank you! I just realised that hapycakeoven asked the same question few days ago.

Do you need packs or a box? :blush:

I was asking because I found weird listing when I was searching for postcards with Pikachu, here’s how listing’s photo looked like:

I checked description and there was more pictures:

So I’ve bought it for 5$ : D

That is sweet! I love the artwork on that pack.

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Cool artwork! $5 isn’t bad at all!