So I was wondering what we all think is the best auction platform ?
I just downloaded Rare Candy and there bid increment system is well sounding a bit better than the pwcc buyers fee % BUT I’m not sure I am understanding rare candies auction platform properly so I thought too ask what you all think on both these platforms
I’m not looking too bid on 20k + items on either just seen and heard that rare candy gets some good selection here and there but pwcc does as well
Any hidden charges rare candy or pwcc does ? Shipping with either any good ? Bad experiences with either ?
Rare Candy is only peripherally involved in the auction space. They do well for the extremely rare items sourced directly from Japan (e.g., trophies, snap cards), but that’s really where it ends.
For the average card, it would do better at eBay and PWCC. As an average consumer, you’ll also find more at eBay, PWCC, Heritage, and Goldin.
Of which they sourced basically all from a single collection. It’s not a replicable scenario, and even if it was, I doubt they have the talent/ability to do so today. That’s basically the context for my original post.
I mean in this case it’s a zero-sum game between buyers and sellers. What’s good for a seller is not good for a buyer. So which auction house is better depends on if you’re buying or selling.
Either way, I think the method of auction is mostly irrelevant. It’s much more about having a large audience that is consistently checking. If you’re the buyer, just focus on what you want to pay for your items and the platform you’re buying from doesn’t really matter. As a seller, you are doing a trade-off between fees, number if potential buyers and the amount of work you have to do to list the items.
You mean if you want to bid higher than their 7.5k limit , having to prove you can bid higher than that ?
I mean I can see that being a thing for both pwcc and Rare Candy but also I haven’t attached a credit card too Rare Candys app yet so maybe there’s other limitations I am not aware of , also living outside of the US may be a con too for rare candy
Not too bring up the past but I’m still so sad I missed the opportunity too bid on one of your auction blocks at PWCC as there was a psa 9 fan club Porygon that was calling too me
How was there shipping to you with FedEx? Fast and reliable? Did they charge you taxes at pay out ? I heard you don’t have too pay the taxes but I’m not 100%
I definitely get bulldozed by taxes and it got held at customs for several weeks. I had to call several times it was very annoying. Im also canadian tho so im kinda used to shit like that. It usually hits the border and fedex is like the package always safely delivers to me eventually tho so i cant complain too much
I don’t enjoy saying this and am not exaggerating what I’m about to type; rare candy has the worst website layout I’ve ever experienced. Its exacerbated by the fact that they were funded. I’ve used hole in the wall one man show GeoCities pages that had a better UI.
Hey there fellow Canadian lol Yeah I asked since I’m wondering if they charge you tax when you pay out at PWCC then when your shipment gets too the border are we paying again ?
I have used Rare candy as a buyer. They do not charge sales tax(im in cali). Their auctions are only good for looking at high end rare items in their premier monthly auctions. Pretty self explanatory to bid and how much you pay no hidden fees besides 5$ shipping. Not the best UI but as a buyer ive gotten some good deals from there.
I have used pwcc as a buyer and seller. I prefer it to rarecandy. Vault service is top tier(instant from time of purchase to in your vault). Customer service is ok, shipping is terrible(takes a week or more till you get your items.)
Images are top tier, and the bidding is easy. I also get insane good deals on items. Huge selection of card every week. i love their weekly auction format, makes me excited for sunday
Edit oct 2023: rarecandy is trash. 11$ shipping for a single slab, and they now charge tax. PWCC over rarecandy all day.
On the previous lot, Rarecandy instantly charged over $50k to my bank account without even giving me an invoice or payment option first. I’ve never had that happen before ever with any auction site.
Asked them if it’s supposed to happen like that & they said “We’re glad everything arrived safely. We do push through payments on all auction items. We can turn off the automatic payment for people who have resale forms so we can remove tax and things like that. If you’d like to request your payments to fail in the future, just let us know, though we try to avoid doing that.”
Kinda weird honestly, they didn’t auto charge me on the previous auctions I won.
I don’t have an account (and probably won’t have one cause I didn’t like what they asked even just to get started) but can you pay with cards? Or do you have to link a bank account?