Realization that Collecting is SO MUCH MORE than Money!!!

These past few weeks have been TOUGH! These past two days have been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least - the two worst days of my life thus far! Throughout everything that has been going-on, I have come to a realization that I would like to share…

Sadly, my mentor, best-friend, and father passed-away last night (June 29th at 8:30 PM). He passed peacefully - surrounded by family - and is now in a better-place, watching-over us until we’re able to one-day meet again! My Dad was - and always will be - the strongest person I know. Born with a congenital heart-defect, he defied the odds throughout his life - fighting to stay with his family for as long as he did.

My Dad and I were VERY CLOSE!!! He played a HUGE ROLE in my life - from my choice in college / career; to my passion for running my own online-business; to my passion of collecting - specifically coin-collecting.

My Dad gambled and succeed by taking a very-early retirement from his full-time job in 2007 and opening-up a Retail Coin-Shop. Despite him collecting and re-selling throughout my childhood, I was never interested in coin-collecting until he opened his shop in '07 and I was able to fully appreciate his knowledge, enthusiasm, and passion for coin-collecting! This is when I was officially “bit” by the coin-bug - and dove head-first into this AWESOME HOBBY!

My Dad and I first started our collecting-journey together by building a Wheat Cent Collection (1909-1956) - which is now 100% Complete in High-Grade (AU and UNC). Along the way, we picked-up collecting Washington Quarters (1932-1998) - Nearly Complete - All Un-Circulated. Most Recently, we started a Mercury Dime (1916-1945) Collection. However, his pride-and-joy was - and always has been - the Indian-Head Cent (1859-1909). He started this collection back in the 80’s and has been slowly improving this collection overtime. It started-out as a simple Danso Album and has slowly been converted-over to PCGS Slabs. When I began my collecting-journey with him in '07, he was working towards an MS 60 Set. We’re now only one 1877 away from a COMPLETE MS 60 Set! The ultimate goal was always to complete the “Common” Dates in MS 65 - with the “Key” Dates remaining MS 60 as some of those are CRAZY $$$

Throughout Everything, I truly enjoyed collecting - especially since it was alongside my Dad. However, in the back of my mind, this collection was also seen as dollar-signs - as an “investment” for our future. I’ve diligently recorded price-trends of the Indian Cents since 2010 - creating tables and graphs in Excel for pricing and whatnot. I was never able to fully-appreciate the coins themselves for what they actually are (pieces of art-work and history) - which is how my Dad had always viewed these coins.

These past few weeks have 100% completely reversed my thinking about coin-collecting specifically! About two weeks ago, while my Dad was at-home on Hospice Care, I drove to our Safety Deposit Box and picked-up that Indian Cent Collection. We spent one afternoon viewing this collection in it’s entirety - remembering stories about each of those coins that we had purchased together - from haggling with a walk-in at the shop looking to sell something we needed, to spending our Sunday Morning driving to another local coin-shop to purchase another coin or two for our collection, to even spending a weekend together driving-down to CT for a Live Auction where we picked-up a few Key-Dates - never telling my Mom how much those few pieces had actually cost us! LOL Something as simple as viewing our collection truly brought-back SO MANY memories of quality-time spent together!

I no-longer view this collection as an “investment” - but instead as a GREAT MEMORY with my Dad!!! I no-longer care about those pointless Excel Spreadsheets - and no amount of money will ever separate me from this collection. I have every intention of continuing my Dad’s Legacy and finishing his goal that he set-out so many years ago. And it’s no-longer about the money or how much more value will be added onto this collection with each new addition, but instead remaining true and close to my Dad!

I promise you Dad that one-day we’ll have that MS 60 / 65 Collection!


Sorry for your loss my dude. Glad you made some great memories with a really fun hobby.


Sorry for your loss. Very nice to hear that you have something to remember your father in a good way with though.


Gone From My Sight

I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side,
spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts
for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength.
I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck
of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.

Then, someone at my side says, “There, she is gone.”

Gone where?

Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast,
hull and spar as she was when she left my side.
And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me – not in her.

And, just at the moment when someone says, “There, she is gone,”
there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices
ready to take up the glad shout, “Here she comes!”

And that is dying…

So sorry my brother. But don’t for a second think it’s over. I promise you, with every thread of my being, it’s not.


I am very sorry for your loss oldskool. My heart goes out to you and your family. You will be in my prayers. I can only imagine what you are feeling. I almost lost my dad this year, he had aortic aneurysm. This really hit home. Just know he is in a better place and you will be with him again when your day comes. God bless

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Sad news, but it is extremely heartwarming that you were able to find a hobby to share with your father. It’s also touching to see you’re carrying on the legacy. Good luck, I’m rooting for you to finish your goal. Wish the best for you and your family


I’m so sorry for your loss. Wishing the best for you and your family.

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I am sorry to hear of your loss.

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Hang in there my friend. Sorry for your loss and thank you so much for sharing that great story with us. Good luck with your coin collecting goals!

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Wow! I bet it’s going to feel amazing when you finally finish it! This is proof that even pennies can be priceless.
Losing a loved one (especially someone so close to you) is never easy but it’s nice to have fond memories. Sorry for your loss.

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Sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your stories with your father with us.


WOW, Just WOW!

I was really bummed-out last night - aimlessly browsing eBay and E4 just trying to clear my mind before going to bed. Obviously, that was not working for me - as I kept getting drawn-back to my Dad. Don’t ask me why, but writing has always been a form of “meditation” for me - really helps me relax and gather my thoughts. So, I opted to sit-down and write this Topic. This was something that was really upsetting me, but while writing / proof-reading turned into a lot of GREAT MEMORIES and made me feel MUCH BETTER! I more-or-less did this for myself, not expecting much of anything in-return. I was utterly blown-away by the outpouring of support from all of you - was not expecting that at all! All of the “Likes”, Comments, and PM’s have truly made my day - it’s great to see!

I’ve only ever met a handful of E4 Members in-person, it’s more-or-less getting to know everyone online through our similar passion of collecting cardboard. To see this kind of support from people that I have never actually met is very humbling!


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It will take some time (and a decent chunk of change); but I can promise it’ll get completed eventually. I may have to cut-back on my PokeBudget for awhile to accomplish this goal though! Haha


LOVE IT! So True!


I’m not sure if you picked that specific poem on purpose or not, but that’s BEAUTIFUL! My Dad always loved the ocean and salt-air - he actually wanted to attend Mass. Maritime and join the USCG when he was growing-up, but got turned-down because of his health-issues. He’s the main-reason why I grew-up with a deep-love and respect for the ocean - and the main driving-force behind my passion for attending Mass. Maritime and joining the Merchant Marine.

I had never heard this before you posted; this is DEFINITELY something that I am going to include within my speech at his Memorial Mass! I know he would have enjoyed that poem as much as I just did!

Yes, because we’ve talked so much I did know some of your history and that’s why I chose that poem. I knew you could relate:)

I wish you and your family all the best in the days ahead. And I thank you for sharing your experience, it really highlights that collecting, coins, cards, or whatever it may be, is an activity that’s best shared. It can deepen the time spent with someone as you work toward a similar goal. Stay Hopeful!

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Sorry to hear the news oldskool. I started with coins back in the day too and still have all mine passed down from my grandfather and great grandfathers collections. Someday I know I’ll get back into them but I just haven’t had the time really with how much Pokemon I’m always handling.