Recent Price Surges for PSA 10 1st Edition Jungle & Fossil

In 2016 when we had the boom in prices for vintage Pokemon cards, for a time Jungle and Fossil cards saw similar pricing spikes to the base set (especially Jungle).

Prices were helped by the fact that the population reports for PSA 1st edition Jungle/Fossil cards was *very* low… especially for Jungle.

The problem was that, unlike 1st edition base set (which has long been nearly impossible to find boxes for) there were a good number of sealed Jungle/Fossil boxes to be found. There are some issues with opening Jungle/Fossil boxes (the holo cards are hard to get graded in a 10 and the non-holo rares/common/uncommon cards are worth very little), but when the boxes were selling for around $1000 and you had some individual cards selling for close to that, eventually something had to give. People started buying and opening the boxes. Eventually, the supply increased and prices started to fall. And for a while, things remained stable.

Fast forward to the present. Although it’s still not difficult to buy a 1st edition Jungle/Fossil box if you’re willing to pay for it, what changed is the prices the boxes sell for. A simple check at eBay sold listings shows that Jungle/Fossil boxes have been selling for $2500-$4000 (the lowest price for a Jungle box that wasn’t damaged was $2900).

As box prices have increased, fewer people have been opening them, especially as these boxes do have the difficulty of having holo cards that are very difficult to grade in PSA 10 condition right out of the box. Thus, the population of the PSA 10 1st edition holos has changed little in the past couple of years after the spike that happened around 2016-2017.

All of this is evidence that we should have a price spike for the existing PSA 10 1st edition Jungle & Fossil holo population… and lately, that’s exactly what’s happened.

Some recent sales include:

Vaporeon: I was told that the last one sold for 4 figures
Dragonite: $1,200
Snorlax: $1,100
Articuno: $1,050
Gengar: $900
Wigglytuff: $875
Lapras: $850
Clefable: $700

It definitely took prices a couple of years to get back up here, but it looks like we’re witnessing another surge in pricing for PSA 10 1st edition Jungle & Fossil holos.

And unlike last time, I think these prices should be far more sustainable because the boxes are selling for appropriate prices relative to the prices of the individual cards.

Also, if I may just give a pro tip: While I think both Jungle and Fossil are good investments, I think Jungle is an even better investment, because the populations of the PSA 10 1st editions are significantly lower… and I think anyone interested in Jungle will likely be interested in Fossil and vise-versa. The two sets go together. So I’d definitely go for the cards/boxes that have a low population for the PSA 10s, which is Jungle.


Fantastic analysis and breakdown of the topic at hand. I think your reasoning of how box prices influence that of PSA graded holos makes a lot of sense. If I owned a good amount of fossil / jungle stock at this moment in time, I would be very happy indeed!

It seems to me that single prices are starting to rise across the board as well??

I would not lump Jungle and Fossil together, because Jungle is WAY more prone to holo silvering on the top border even booster fresh, making PSA 10s much harder.

No doubt Jungle holos are harder to get graded in PSA 10 than Fossil holos. But I put the two sets together because in my mind, pretty much everyone who wants to collect all the cards of one set will also want to collect all the cards of the other set, since along with base set these are the sets that represent the introductions for the original 151 Pokemon (minus Mew in the English series).

Therefore, I think the lowest pop Jungle holo cards are the best investments in either set. (Although Fossil cards like Dragonite and Gengar are an exception because those are incredibly popular Pokemon that people seek out as individual pieces)

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Yeah it’s crazy lapras has sold for around 1400-1600usd twice in last few days

Really? You got links to that?

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Yup, even more proof of the spike in Jungle/Fossil pricing.

I find it interesting that Fossil Lapras is selling for $1,700 with a population of 94 while Jungle Clefable sold for $700 the other day with a population of 60. If my theory of people collecting Jungle and Fossil together rather than individually is true, then one would think that Clefable should have much more premium pricing.

The only thing I can think of is that the Lapras is *so* much rarer than every other PSA 10 1st edition Fossil (the second rarest is Articuno with 120) that people are willing to pay a premium just to make sure they get by far the rarest card in the set out of the way… even if the population is higher than most Jungle holos.

But I’m inclined to say it looks like that Clefable went for a bargain rate.

Eveee’evolution, lapras, dragonite and gengar have a price not only for the population but also because very popular pokemon and artwork for all this cards is beautiful that is a good point add. The other have a price for only population basically. This is what I see.


I’m right there with you on the Eeveelutions, Dragonite, and Gengar. I would also add Snorlax to that group.

But… Lapras?

I know it’s a somewhat popular Pokemon, I just didn’t think it was on that level.

So I was basically placing all cards other than the Eeveelutions/Dragonite/Gengar/Snorlax in that same group of “people want the cards so that they can complete both the Jungle and Fossil sets.” And from that perspective, I would think the lower population Jungle cards should go for more.

But I mean… maybe I’m underestimating the popularity of Lapras? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Since I saw the gadget of peluches and figure etc in the various pokemon centers on lapras, it is all very clear to me: is more popular that we can think.

Or Maybe is only because all people that live near Loch Ness lake buy lapras psa 10. Lol.


I’m adding in my 2 cents!

Probably also due to the fact - that it is the lowest population holo in 1ED Fossil, PSA10 that is. There is 94 copies of it, with close to around 1000 graded in total. Close to around that 10% mark for 10’s to graded number, and I probably except it to gradually stay the same, if not lower (number of cards being opened/graded, adding in silvering, etc).

I am in close contact with the eBay member who indeed sold one of those Lapras’s - and was a confirmed sale. In my mind, I always had the Jungle/Fossil as a bit of a sleeper. Of course, they will absolutely never be as popular as 1st Base, but they are of the similar ilk. Some very popular cards amongst the two sets - Eeveelutions, legendary birds, Gengar/Dragonite, plus even Kangaskhan to a mix.

Time will be the true indicator as to what happens “next”, but some positive trends of late :wink:

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