I’ve been collecting reptiles for most of my life.
This snake that I just got, has been one of my dream snakes for a very long time.
This is a Chinese Cobra (Monocled).
It is a brand new morph called Pearl. It is one of the only few in the world.
It starts out striped and light brown, and as they get older they turn pink, white, or silver.
Yes it is venomous. it is extremely dangerous.
It also has the ability to spit venom into your eyes from a distance, with pin point accuracy up to 10 feet or more.
I will be picking it up at the end of the month!!! so excited
How do you prepare for the worst comes to the worst situation involving its neurotoxins? I’m unsure if you have to produce antivenoms on the exact specific animal or general genus overall and import/export it etc? Remember seeing a documentary involving people taking snake venom for some sort of personal benefit, be it health-related or as recreation but I guess it’s similar to alcohol. It’s interesting how certain creatures resist such forces. For some reason, I found the idea of these animals as decent home guarding potential depending on repercussions but they would be situational campers spamming Toxic. I was always curious to ask this of such handlers if you don’t mind?
That is a beautiful animal. They are so dangerous though. Kind of like playing russian roulette with an animal. Most handlers have been bitten at some point, so never get complacent bro.
She’s beautiful (I assume it’s a she based on the tail, but I could be wrong). Snakes are my favorite animal, so thanks for sharing! I’ve thought about owning a snake in the past (preferably a non-lethal one, perhaps a small strangler), but I’ve never owned any pets, so if I ever get a pet I might also just get a cat.
Not sure how I feel about ‘collecting reptiles’, but if you care for all of them properly I guess it’s fine. Out of curiosity, what other snakes (or other reptiles) do you own? Would love to see some more pictures.
Oh, and make sure you don’t go blind with a spitting snake like that.
Some people collect shiny pieces of cardboard, others collect animals that can kill them
I gotta respect the hobby though, hope you treat it well! Very cool!