Reverse Holo vs regular Holo? Holon Phantoms

I know the reverse Holo has the set name, but is there another difference? Never seen any cards from this era in person, but I really like the delta species Gyarados so I’m trying to decide which to get.

On a related note, also interested in the same comparison for holos and reverse holos in the Team Rocket Returns set.

I believe for both sets, the actual name of the Pokemon and HP at the top gains a gold foil text.

The Team Rocket Returns reverse holos also have a different holo effect, with energy symbols as the holo instead of the usual effect.

As mentioned above key difference is holo effect on the name and HP value. Team rocket returns has different holo effect for the illustration. P.S not my images.


The gold name/HP are only present for reverse holo rares that are holos in the set. A common/uncommon/regular rare wouldn’t have gold lettering.


A few months ago I’ve made a post on the pkmntcgcollections about Reverse Holos of the EX era.

Here is a quote of that:

The links can be found in the reddit-post I’ve linked above (if they still work, some might have been from eBay auctions that are now gone).


Thanks for all of the responses!

I’d like to look over your guide, could you provide a link? I think the current hyperlink goes to this thread.

Oops… Not sure how that happened… :S I’ve fixed the link.

And here is the link again, just in case.


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Just wanted to say I LOVE the gold lettering look of these cards.

Luckily there aren’t a lot of people collecting them so you can pick them up pretty cheap still in many cases.

Thanks for the guide, that was great!