How would you rework the gold stars to better theme the set that they are in? They dont have to be gold stars that already exist but try your best to make them themed well to the set as opposed to just lumping your favs into a random set!
Ill go first
EX Ruby Sapphire: Mudkip, Torchic, Treecko
EX Sandstorm: aggron, steelix, Tyranitar
EX Dragon: Salamence, latios/as
EX Team magma vs team aqua: kyogre, groudon
EX Hidden legends: registeel, regirock, regice
EX FRLG: charizard, blastoise, venusaur
EX TRR: Mewtwo, Meowth, pikachu
EX deoxys: deoxys normal form, rayquaza
EX Emerald: Swampert, Blaziken, Sceptile
EX unseen forces: Ho oh, Lugia
EX delta Species: also dont really know. Not a huge delta species fan (concept not box)
EX legend maker: mew celebi jirachi
EX holon Phantoms: ghost pokemon? Idk really
EX crystal guardians: sableye, Absol
EX dragon frontiers: Flygon, Ampharos
EX power keepers: metagross, wailord, milotic
Some I feel fit better than others let me know what you think. Obviously the delta species ones I have no clue with but that is why I don’t like them. I feel they aren’t themed super well