Sableye Art Academy has been listed on Yahoo Japan!

I am curious what this card will go for and as a Sableye collector I am curious if more will be listed. I believe this is the only one I have seen listed publicly which is super cool. Also if my memory serves me correct I believe the artist of the Sableye originally didn’t want to sell any so I am curious where this one came from. What are everyone’s thoughts?

Also if this doesn’t deserve its own thread and should be moved to The Giant Japanese Market Thread please let me know.


Ah, the card that scared me out of being a Sableye collector. I’m also very curious where this lands.


I know out of all the species I collect this is the card that I was both dreading and dreaming to come to market. My wallet :smiling_face_with_tear:

Rip higher than buyee max bid. How do people source high end cards on yahoo Japan?

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Someone usually middles and bids for them with the trust of payment I believe


Pretty cool, I really like the Art Academy cards so seeing these surface is a treat. Maybe the spacesuit Pikachu will come up next :sunglasses:

Wonder if this is from the winner or one of the fabled factory extras?

As far as I know its not been any extra copies of the japanese cards

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Feels like purely an American thing to leak extra copies out the factory Lol Japan has a little more respect than that :rofl:


so youre a sableye collector and dont even have him in your signature :thinking:

Nice healthy price. That’s about $20.2k USD.


Is the tyranitar prime in the photo below sableye an unlimited reverse holo?

I wasn’t even conscious to the fact there is a Sableye Art Academy. Color me intrigued.

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Chinese scammer got it :smiling_face_with_tear:


This makes me sad…


Is an empty PSA case behind it