Hi e4,
I have a sealed Ancient Mew I bought back in 2013 which haven’t given any thought until my friend randomly mentioned the card.
I had a browse on eBay and all I could find with regards to sealed Ancient mews were the following image, which I understand to be the movie version everyone got with the back of the card and ancient mew description card:
My version of sealed Ancient Mew looks like this, with the Gameboy and Gold & Silver, and the Front face of the card on the other side:
Can someone please shed light on this release? Thank you kindly!
I found this image, the guy said these were promos for the legendary birds movie in US/UK/AUS. I’m betting this is a packaging error where the gameboy card was sealed with the Mew instead of the Mew card that’s on all of the ebay ads for the US version
The answer has already been given by @nish and @snap . It’s the sealed Ancient Mew from Australia. The sealed Ancient Mew and Legendary bird promos had the Gameboy Color insert in Australia. The Ancient Mew with this insert isn’t too hard to find. I usually see them sell for about 50 USD on the Australian eBay.com.au, and (although I can’t see any for sale right now) a few months back there were usually 2-5 available at the same time.
The legendary birds with this same insert are a pain to find, though. I’ve only seen the full sealed set once in @reinasierpe 's collection. And the individual ones once or twice each. I’ve actually been able to find the sealed Moltres two weeks ago after searching for it for 2.5+ years, and it’s currently incoming to complete the English subpart of my sealed Moltres collection (only missing two sealed Japanese Web Booster packs to fully complete that sub-collection).
I have the same thing with mine. I only just noticed and wasn’t sure if it was an error or if it was repackaged but the card looks flawless so I was thinking it’s an error.