Sealed EX Deoxys Booster Box

Wanting to buy a sealed ex deoxys booster box

Paying $40k,


Very solid offer. Best of luck in acquiring one :blush:

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@zorloth, Thanks dude, have made offers of 30-35 and no one gives me the time of day. Heres hoping 40 is enough to finally get this mofo

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Interested if we see a sale of this box!

dm me I know a guy who said he would consider selling at 40k, no promises but thats what he told me last month

As an Owner, 40 is very respectable, but I still couldn’t do it unfortunately, It’s a tough attachment to such a Rare, overlooked Piece

I don’t think ex deoxys is overlooked tbh


A lot of people seem to flock towards WOTC, and I get it. Just from personal experiences.

How much would you be looking for then ?

When he turns down 40k I doubt it’s about the money. I did notice on trophies and other rare pieces that offering equally rare items as partial trade value often motivates the seller. Worked more than once for me.

Good luck in your search nonetheless, that’s a very solid offer indeed.



Good luck & let us know how you get on, it’d be one of very few gauges we have for monitoring market conditions for such rare items.

You are correct. It’s not about the money part, It’s more of a, 'When am I ever going to find this again?'sort of thing.

Equally rare items do help, Yes.

I’m also intrigued to see if anyone sells at this price. I’d go out on a limb and say, a Nice, Crisp, perfect box would be more than 40 though.

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Dm me, i might be able to help you out. No promises :blush:


Bump, I probably speak for 3 or 4 people when I say this, but any outcome yet?

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Sent a PM!

At risk of sounding like an idiot and showing my inexperience — why is this box so expensive?

Please dont bump threads over 2 months old. You don’t need to revive an old thread to tell someone you messaged them.

OP, if you want the thread unlocked because you’re still looking feel free to message me.

@mosstastic the box is expensive because it is one of the lowest printed sets in pokemon history and has a shot at a gold star rayquaza (or consolation gold star lati@s).

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