Searching for JPN BW Full Arts and LV.X cards

Hey guys,

Searching for the following cards in either raw nm/m or PSA10 condition.

The prices are also from the top of my head as there are a lot of them. Even if you have something that seems way out of my range please let me know!

Feel free to contact me either here, on IG (haytertcg) or discord (leohaytr)


Pokemon Set Set # Print Edition Target Price $
Mew EX BW5 Dragon Blast 051/050 UED 1250
Rayquaza EX BW5 Dragon Blade 053/050 UED 1300
Latias EX BW8 Thunder Knuckle 053/051 UED 600
Rayquaza EX BW-P Promo 145/BW-P N/A 10,000
Zekrom EX BW-P Promo 159/BW-P N/A 2600

JP LV.X (Print edition not important)

Card Target Price

Great list otherwise! Happy hunting!



Welcome to the forum

As per the rules for wtb, each item needs a buy-price or trade-price stated


thanks guys, im on it!

updating now.

Having prices in USD might be convenient for sellers as well. For example rayquaza 145 recently sold for 12k which is closer to 2M yen.

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I here ya, but would take me years to figure that out. My local currency is EUR. Most japanese card sellers typically have a pretty good idea of the conversion between yen and their local currency.

and yep, these were from the top of my head, very quickly so not everything is perfect!. I recently got the Giratina for 898,000¥ so i don’t mind waiting around for the Rayquaza tbh…

No worries, I usually divide by 150 to get an approximation. Awesome cards btw, good luck!

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Just to add, im also searching for this specific Clash at the Summit poster… I love this artwork!


Glad to see another Lv. X collector. Congrats on the lottery Giratina! Great mailday video on your youtube. Looking forward to seeing more of those :grinning:

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appreciate you watching man!! trying to get an upload up every sunday

the lv.x cards seem super underappreciated to me.

rarity and value aside the art style is generally very similar to gold stars, for 1/100 the price

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They are definitely overlooked, which is good since it keeps the prices affordable. I’m very close to getting a complete PSA 10 set in japanese, just missing the lucario from the promos and like 6 cards from the actual set.

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Hey all. Bumping my post, and also adding that i am searching for a Mysterious Pearl in PSA10 (Target price $4650) FOUND!

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Updated the post once more. Most things have been found and purchased, so have cleaned it up to only the things i still need!