Selling a Pokemon collection on eBay [Question]

I’m sort of planning on selling a WOTC collection on eBay that I bought a few years ago (around 120ish cards), however, I’m hearing that there’s pros and cons to selling in bulk as opposed to individual sales - ghost stories, if you will; but I’m curious if anyone can give me some advice on that matter? :slight_smile:

Also some of the cards have silvering, some scratches, some whitening around the edges, I was told not to list them as NM.
And, also, how does one bypass eBay’s image limit?

Any other suggestions and tips would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Individual sales will maximize your profit but also take you more time to list/handle.

If they are of moderate value I´d advise scanning/photographing 9 cards against a black backdrop clearly showing front/back. You might add photos showing individual cards with special flaws. State in the description that these cards are not PSA 10 worthy/NM if that´s true.

12 photos are for free, any additional photos will cost a few cents when listing.

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While, I think it’s true that the cards typically sell more as individual cards, if the card was put into a coherent collection of sorts, it might add a premium.

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List as individual cards. Not many people are looking to buy in bulk unless they are looking to resell. One of the most fun things about collecting is building them yourself. Also by selling individually the buyer will get plenty of pictures to look at.

However if the cards are real cheap, it’s good to lot them up


Thanks a lot everyone :slight_smile:

Still curious if I were to sell them in bulk if it would be wise to add a Google spreadsheet link in the description with all the images of the cards - front and back ~ Or maybe just sell all the holos, and the commons/uncommons in separate auctions ~

shot a photo here. we can probably give you a better answer this way.