Selling Bulk

For those of you who have sold bulk before:

Is it worth the time to go through buy lists like TrollandToad to get their additional store credit, or is better to just send in everything as bulk?
Do they often disagree with the condition stated? Are there any better alternatives to sell bulk / <$20 cards?

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If the card is worth a few bucks chuck it on ebay, if not I normally just send in bulk from newer sets and for old sets I just keep bc I’d rather have more copies in case a set gets super popular and you can sell it while it’s hot. Also I may have a small issue where I dont like to sell vintage cards lol.

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Great guys here.


I’ve buylisted an ungodly amount of cards to Troll & Toad. They barely downgrade for condition. I typically get 1% to 5% deducted per order. I make an effort to only include PSA 7 quality cards or higher, though. I highly recommend their buylist. They typically have the higher offer prices than CoolStuffInc/Collector’s Cache and are less harsh on condition.


Oh wow that’s good to know, I did a buylist with my VV bulk random stuff and hilariously one of my “pack fresh” Vmax’s got downgraded because the print quality was so bad and there was whitening everywhere! I just sent another submission with a bunch of cards that I’d personally call “LP” which the place that sold to me called NM but probably PSA 7 quality so I’m interested to see how they decide to pay out.

Since you’ve sold to them a ton, is 35% bonus for credit the standard for them and how often does the temporary increases like the 50% BF come around?

@ankleguy, TnT doesn’t seem to give additional store credit for the bulk portion of the order from what I can see? There are quite a few websites out there playing about $37 per 1000 C/UC like safari zone.

I’d love to donate more cards in the future so great to see those options as well!

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You’ll probably get full value. FWIW, I always check the “quick pay” option. So I never see what I got deducted for; I only see the final total. Also, I believe they’re harsher on condition for higher value cards. Most of my orders consist of like a thousand $2 cards, so that may have something to do with why I basically don’t get downgraded at all. And the majority of those cards are PSA 8+, with only maybe a third being worse. So that might also be a factor in why I don’t get downgraded.

I’ve only seen the 50% bonus come around once (over the past 8-9 months that I’ve been buylisting to them). For the rest of that time, it’s been 35%.

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Thanks that’s super helpful! I bought a bunch of SL Shining Arceus and Jirachi from another website kept the ones I thought were 9+ and sent the 7/8s to TnT. Those were ~$15 each so I’ll let you know what happens haha. Good to know 35% is about their default too.

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Do you buylist C/UC too? Is that even worth the time to sort and search for them all, or is this better for just the rares+.

Also what about cards that are LP or worse what do you do with those?

I buylist everything that isn’t part of my main collection that isn’t PSA 10 quality (including commons and uncommons). It’s worth the time if you’re efficient at it. I have bulk sorted by set, so if I wanted to buylist some EX Ruby & Sapphire bulk, all I have to do is, for instance, enter x/109 in the search bar and then just adjust x as necessary. It’s effortless; it takes a fraction of a second per card. I can get through piles of commons/uncommons in minutes.

For cards that are worse than PSA 7 quality, I just keep them in a giant 5000 count BCW cardboard box lol. I might sell them on eBay eventually but I haven’t gotten to them yet.

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I have about 1000 cards in this condition as shown in the pictures, are these good enough for T&T? Is just base, jungle, fossil and Team Rocket and Neo. All common and uncommon. Do I want to get the money that T&T offers on the buylist or is it too bad? Little shown to sell on Ebay since I live in Norway and shipping will take away the interest.

Yeah, that condition is absolutely fine for T&T. Even if you can get, say, $5 for a card on eBay, it’s usually better to just take the $1 from T&T buylist since you save on time, shipping, fees, dealing with annoying customers, etc.

@kemost, yeah if you look at their product condition guide, it seems they are pretty accepting of what “nm” condition actually is

@zorloth, Ive started list some cards for their buylist, but what I find annoying is that they clump cards from different sets in different sections. For example if Im including cards from BW Next Destinies, some cards are together on page 1, while the others are on page 2.

Is that your experience with it too? Seems to be taking forever just to put the cards in the same order they want.

You’re talking about on the invoice page? If so, yeah, they give bizarre orders lol. Not sure what their deal is with that.

After my first submission I learned my lesson not to sort anything until after I submit the final list because their ordering is a guessing game at times.


Wait yo so I shouldnt be sorting them as I add each card or set… I’ve probably spent a couple of hours doing that as the pages have been getting longer.

You can keep them together sorted by set, but you shouldn’t be sorting exactly identical to your cart additions. Once you finalize your cart, the final invoice will re-sort them and T&T splits them up a bit such as grouping reverse holos together.

What I do is before I invoice them, I sort my cards by set, then enter them into my cart and keep the cards in the same set together. Then I finalize and put them in order of the invoice.

Typically the invoice will group sets together, but will separate certain types of cards at times like reverses.

The biggest mistake I made for the first submission was I kept my cards exactly in the order I entered them, only to find so had to resort them once the invoice was generated.


Ok yeah thanks for the advice. Im currently sorting them by how they appear in the cart, which is different from the order of adding them. For all I know the invoice order can be even different from that! But yeah Ill keep the set together from here on then.