Selling cards in your collection to acquire cards

Hey Efour for the first time I’m thinking of selling some cards from my collection to get a new card, mainly because I don’t have money to dispose of and thought that maybe I could somehow use the cards I own to get the card I want. I was wondering if anyone would like to share their experience or any advice with selling off cards to get a new card in their collection. I feel like if I could understand this part of collecting I’ll be able to grow my collection to the next level and acquire cards i wouldnt imagine owning or if there’s a thread on this topic that could be shared thanks.



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Can’t do any better than what @cig posted. That’s the best advice.

The only thing I’ll add is that sometimes speed is a priority, and this is okay. If you want to try to sell a bunch of cars fast, there is probably nothing faster than listing on eBay. You might make less due to fees, but there’s no guarantee you’d find a direct buyer somewhere else anyway. So don’t feel bad if that’s the route you go. Sometimes the eBay fees are worth the convenience.


If possible, it’s better to sell during the boom times in the market so you get out with a profit and then wait for a downturn to pick up other cards. However, there’s always opportunity cost involved with any transaction or investment where it might actually be worth taking a small loss to pick up a card that you simply want more due to availability of said card or the fact the market could trend higher if you wait too long to buy.

For example, this year I sold off a few remaining sports cards I had at PWCC. I didn’t take a huge loss (maybe 10%) after auction fees and everything else, but I immediately re-invested the money into even more discounted Pokemon/MTG cards that I’ve wanted for a while. Does the 10% loss sting? A bit, but at the same time the Pokemon/MTG cards were also very discounted compared to when I wanted to buy them in 2020/2021 (i.e. hype prices).

The other way to stomach things better is, if you do take a loss, try and make up for it by scoring deals on your next purchases. In the end, it’s going to more or less even out for you. In 5 years from now, I’m not going to care about a 10% loss one bit, and I immediately enjoy the cards more than what I sold by acquiring them now.