Selling cards on ebay

Hey guys I have a few questions regarding selling cards on eBay. Over the past couple years I have been collecting lots and it’s time to let some go to purchase some larger items.
I have read ebays fees guide but still have some questions and trying to find the best way to go about this.
What percentage does ebay typically take off of final sale price of Pokémon cards?
If you guys can provide some advice for posting cards on eBay and which methods work best for you that would be very helpful.

I’m pretty sure ebay takes 10% and paypal takes about 3%. Just take good pics of the front and back of cards and you should have no problems lol

10% ebay and I think 3% paypal, I always just say 15% to play it safe. Also keep in mind you will also pay the same percentage for shipping, so you can’t sell an item at $1 with $99 shipping to try and avoid fees.

Take very good pictures, detailed title and description. ALWAYS sleeve and topload/semi ridid sleeve your cards when shipping. Don’t use auctions if you aren’t willing to sell a card for less than you hoped.

The most important thing when you first start off is avoiding negative feedback, negative feedback is absolutely brutal for a new seller. So be VERY clear in what you are selling and any damage or flaws it may have as well as using proper protection when shipping.

And don’t forget to calculate your costs, know a head of time how much it will cost to ship. Figure out what your profit would be after subtracting shipping and fee costs.

Try using a black background when taking photos and use natural light if possible. This makes all the wear very apparent to buyers, so they know if they are going to be comfortable with the condition. Also pictures at an angle for the holos is good too. Holo scratching is one of the hardest things to know by just looking at pictures.

Basically you want to lean on the side of describing the card as critically as possible and if the customer thinks it’s better than you let on then they will be even happier with the purchase.

Also it might be a good idea to use tracked shipping for your first few sales at least. Cheaper singles are really only worth shipping with stamps, so maybe sell bigger lots at first so it’s worth the extra shipping costs if your going with USPS first class(print the label from eBay, it’s cheaper!)

Hope this helps.